
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Tennessee police officer arrested for strong-arm robbery in Mississippi

PIPERTON, Tenn. (WREG) — A Piperton, Tennessee, police officer is off the job after being arrested for a strong-arm robbery in Cleveland, Mississippi, over the weekend. 

Piperton Police Chief Jonathan Roney said Officer Michele Washington, 46, has been relieved of duty pending the outcome of the investigation in Bolivar County.


  1. "National Motorist Association when it listed Piperton as one of the worst cities for speeding tickets across the USA. Wikipedia".

  2. She looks like a real piece of work, wonder what agency she'll work for next if she's acquitted?
    - WDS

  3. Anyone with a last name "Washington" should automatically go to jail and not pass go.

  4. The usual suspects....


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