
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Oh, you poor, poor thing!

A college graduate broke down in tears as she revealed her struggle to adjust to her new nine-to -five work schedule in her first proper job.

Brielle, who lives in New Jersey, shared that she was struggling to find time to have a life outside of her four-hour round commute and her long work days.


She's whining about a 9 to 5 desk job? With a paid lunch? In my entire working life, I had ONE short term job that was an 8 to 5 job. I've never had a desk job, much less any job that didn't involve sweating and a sore back.
For the first few years I worked at the ammo plant, I put in a 40 to 50 hour week throwing steel all damned day, then doing day labor on the weekends if I needed extra cash for whatever. After we got a grenade contract I immediately went to an 87 hour work week. The physical labor got easier but the hours were a real killer. 
If I had something planned for the evening, I would get off at 3:30 PM, shower, take a 2-3 hour nap, go out and have fun, then come back home and try to grab a couple more hours of sleep so I could crawl out of bed at 2 in the morning to do it again.

At the Safeway warehouse, I worked four 10 hour (minimum) days loading anywhere from 16 to 22 trucks a day, with an hour commute each way.

Yeah, no sympathy here.


  1. She'll be a lifelong voter for the democrats. Poor victim.
    I worked my .ss off from age 16 to 68. No sympathy from me.

    1. Almost the same... Started working construction full time at age 15 (token white boy on an all black crew), 66 now and still working, but mainly so I can double dip SS and wages for a while before I call it quits.

      No sympathy from me either.


  2. I worked ridiculous hours in Telecom, answering questions or running around to put out fires all day and then worked most of the night on software and hardware upgrades, which were the only time the customer wanted the site down.
    If I had known that my wife would pass away so soon I'd have spent more time with her, she loved me and the job didn't.

    1. Sorry for your loss.

    2. Brother you said a mouthful with that last sentence!
      My sincere sympathy for the loss of your wife.

    3. I worked that job in system support at the telephone company for about twenty years. Same problem with customers and upgrades. One told me he didn't care if we never applied maintenance. My guru said, "Well, there's always time to fix it."

    4. Sorry for your loss. NO job ever loves you, nor can it.

  3. She's just shopping for a sugar daddy. If that doesn't pan out, there's always porn.

    1. Hunter's still looking for a date; she should apply.

    2. I here that a cute girl like her can make upwards of a few hundred a month selling pictures of her butthole on Only Fans! I was told: the dirtier the better!

  4. I used to commute 3 hours a day. I didn't like it. I moved.

  5. Wanna bet she'll get her $150,000 college loans forgiven? If you think the Democrats have given up on that big vote generator, guess again and don't depend on the Republicans to keep fending it off.

  6. Too many of the youngsters find that work thing an inconvience that gets in the way of their lifestyle, boy are they in for a shock when the free money runs out and millions of non jobs vanish.


  7. how much work did she do while in college???

    1. The pictures do not illustrate the condition of her knees so we really don’t know.

      TMF Bert

    2. None. That is what the student loan is for. It is very expensive welfare. The student is planning on it being forgiven.

  8. If NYC rents weren't so high, she could actually afford to live there and walk to work...

  9. She can always spread ass on the interweb for gelt!

    Chutes Magoo

  10. Hah she should try complaining to my youngest daughter. She gets up at 0415 in the morning, drives come rain, shine or snow for 1.5 to 2 hours to work then puts in a twelve hour shift 0700 to 1900. She's on this schedule for three days. Then she rolls over, is off for a day and three quarters and works 1900 to 0700 for three days, off for two and a half days and then repeats the roll over back to days.

    She's also not working a desk job, she's a commercial/industrial electrician in an aluminum plant. Yesterday she spent the day on the roof of the facility working in below freezing temps and wind while her male co workers yelled encouragement from the ground and/or heated cab of the work truck.

    She would give this gal complaining the back of her hand and tell her to grow up.

    Some of you steady, serious, honorable mid twenties or so guys should look her up if you're around the dry side of Washington state.


  11. I worked my way through college. Once I got out I worked 100 hours week for well over a year. I met my wife in college in the mid 70s and the economy was lousy when we got out. Eventually it got better and my company promoted me and moved me to the east coast. I still ended up traveling and working long hours. I went internationally and spent weeks at a time overseas some times.

    My sons had gone through school and we had problem with teachers, admin, and the school board. We ended up tutoring our sons through all HS classes so they could learn what they were missing and we taught them additional things. Both decided after HS on different Trade Schools and are making well over 6 figures. It is clear most colleges are not good any longer and charge way too much.

    What I saw as a Manager from trying to a hire fresh college persons with a degree was that they wanted more money then they were worth, they did not have the skills, they did not want to put the time in, and it would take at least a year to bring them up to speed. I could hire a non-college person at less money that had skills, get more and bring them up to speed very quickly.

    1. Aha! you have discovered the secret role of college... the enstupidation and enslavement of the American youth.

  12. Grew up on a farm. After working full time while going to a 2 year college full time I got a job with a one hour commute each way, and an 80 hour a week work schedule. It was still easy compared to the farm work.

  13. Wait until little miss snowflake gets an asshole boss and demands she work from 5am to 9pm.

    .. Brad in IL

  14. Try the shipyards. Seven twelves, with a two hour commute.

    1. I had a girlfriend once who worked 10 or 12 twelve hour days as an RN, then had 4-5 days off.

  15. kids do know anything about working for a living these days. what is she going to do when the dollar drops to nothing ? it looks like we going to relive the 1930's here soon enough
    and God help these snowflakes. they going to starve. dave in pa.

  16. My give a shit about needy, whiney, entitled little bitches was used up 40 years ago so suck it up and either move closer to work, find a job closer to home or just do like everyone else and deal with it...

    1. Or, they can marry some simp and "retire" early to take care of kids, a household and a cat or three.

  17. But us Boomers had it easy don't you know... and I've got the scars to prove it.

  18. Kenny, you are most definitely and old school animal. I wish more people were work ethic oriented like you.

    1. Oh trust me, I hated the hours I put in at the ammo plant, but jobs in the Valley were so scarce back then that if you had a job, you held onto it. Quitting was not an option unless you wanted to spend months or even years looking for another one with a comparable wage.

  19. Clueless. I’d place the blame squarely on her parents. Betcha she drove a nicer car in college than her parents. Whiney little twit.

  20. lots of the kids I see at work act like they are being tortured when they have to work overtime. I tell them thats when you get what you are worth is O.T. time and a half! But you have to get through the first forty hours...

  21. I have exactly zero sympathy or respect for that stupid twat. Nor for any of the idiotic sympathetic responders on her fucking social media. Maybe stay off TikTok and cook you dumb bitch. Either that or get on Only Fans. That'll work until the shit hits the fan.

  22. Wait till she gets her first paycheck and demands to know who is FICA and why is she paying him.

  23. I started working under the table at age 10 for a friend of mine. His parents owned a very large orchard. They paid me very well for the time. Had my first full time job as a janitor for the summer after I graduated H.S.. I worked 1 1/2 full time jobs in College while taking no less than 21 credits per semester and playing in a jazz big band on the weekends. I have always worked a full time job and had at least a couple of side hustles going at the same time.

    After the economy shit the bed in 2008, I went to electrician school. I was getting up at 2AM to roll out of the house at three. 2 hour commute each way and a 10hr/ 6day work week. I had to come home 3 days per week, clean-up, and go to school for 3 hours in the evening. I was making 14/hr at the time.

    This stupid TWUNT doesn't even begin to understand the concept of "hard work" or "struggle". If she is lucky, she will end up as some simp's trophy wife or an "assistant fluffer" on a Brazzers movie set!

  24. Stupid bitch. Stick to sucking dicks.

  25. Had a few of those 9-5 jobs over the years, but mostly had the part time ones where you only had to work half a day, 12 hours.


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