
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

On Guns, Drugs, and National Security, Dianne Feinstein Was Consistently Authoritarian

During Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's 2018 confirmation hearing, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D–Calif.) asked him to "reconcile" his conclusion that "assault weapon" bans are unconstitutional with "the hundreds of school shootings using assault weapons that have taken place in recent history." It was a classic Feinstein moment, combining her steadfast support for arbitrary gun laws with blatant misinformation and a logical non sequitur.


  1. I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to dance and relieve myself on her grave.

    1. Word is the line will be so long, and the participants so numerous, that those wanting to piss on Feinstein's grave will create a torrent so powerful that it will be known as the 'Yellow Mississippi'.

      Kind of appropriate that an American communist's river has a name akin the the greatest in Communist China.

    2. I believe they are going to put her on display in the building the mayor has it's office....
      So public urination will be allowed with a permit, lmao... Fuck that bitch

  2. Fiendstein was always a POS, always will be a POS

  3. Feinstein was a typical hypocritical politician. While she fought to disarm the average citizen, she had a permit to carry a handgun for her own self-defense.

    1. And has had it since the early 1990s.
      I only remember two TV news stories from my time in the Bay Area 1991-1993. One was about DiFi getting a carry permit, "because she was afraid to visit her (heart attacked) husband in the hospital at night and somebody had broken a couple of windows in her house." (Um, 24/7 security detail because she was Mayor of San Francisco at the time??)

      The other was about the murder of my friend, colleague and fellow Chief Petty Officer (who could not get a carry permit) by some fucking punk. And the news coverage about that was all the handwringing about how TPTB wanted to try the fucking (minor) punk as an adult.
      So yeah, I got no use for that Feinstein bitch. (Did you know she'd wrangled a Deputy U.S. Marshal's badge so she could carry in DC?)
      I'm sorely tempted to make the pilgrimage to wherever she's planted to render "honors" (and it had better not be Arlington; I've got some friends there), but I fear I only have one such trip left in me and I'm saving that for Hanoi Jane's funeral.
      Sorry for the rant, but that bitch has pushed my buttons every time she opened her mouth for the last thirty years.

    2. That's because all the control freal politicians believe they're better than us peasants and their safety is more important. Just like them assholes in sanctuary cities who think they're better than them Texas fokes along the border.

  4. If she would have only put a ban on Pelosi Hammers. That would have saved a lot of us a tremendous amount of disgust.

  5. Every. Single. Time.

    Chutes Magoo

  6. This witch is lucky she escaped being burned in some bonfire. They will not all be so lucky.

    1. I seriously doubt she has escaped being burned...

  7. LaPhonza Butler...

    1. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiit .

  8. Ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch? The wicked witch. I saw a report that she voted yes for some Dem bullshit on the day of her death. Yes, I am sure that happened.


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