
Monday, October 30, 2023

Sounds like a California thing to do

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – A Bellevue homeowner is in disbelief after he found a family living in his house.

His discovery landed three people behind bars. The trio is accused of causing nearly $150,000 in damage to the house.

“It’s bizarre because I’ve heard of this. You might see it in movies,” the home owner, who didn’t want to be identified for personal reasons, explained.


  1. The homeowner is lucky. In a lot of jurisdictions the cops and the DA won't do a damn thing about these criminal 'squatters'. They call it a "civil matter" and the property owner is on their own to fight it out in court....costing them even more money.

  2. Surprised we haven't seen more (any?) "I was in my home (Castle doctrine) and they attacked me." DRT in self defense.
    Steve S6

  3. The first shadow profile of the homeowner shows he is sporting a hogleg on his hip. Prolly helped motivate the squatters before john law showed upJpaul

  4. We don't have squatters rights and you can't just claim ownership of other people's property... At the minimum it's a trespassing violation but in this case wilful destruction of others property will be added among other charges

  5. Yeah, like some squatter has $150K in his hip pocket to pay for the damages.


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