
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

That oughta hold 'er



  1. I noticed that the support post to the left isn't supporting anything as the bottom end is almost 2 feet above the ground. It looks like it attached to a narrower post coming out of the ground. If they're replacing the support posts for that deck they'd best get to it if all the weight is only being held up by that flimsy step ladder.

    Hmm, looking again at the post to the left it looks like there's a second deck or an overhang above the one we can see that is also being supported.

    They'd best get to it!

  2. The metal support post is just dangling there as well

  3. If you look close, it looks like there's a bolt (i.e. adjustable length support) supporting the bottom of that metal post. So it's not suspended, probably.

    I also notice that the ladder isn't under the corner, it's a little off, so it looks to be holding it up a bit while the new corner support is added. BUT! I also notice that the corner is twisted a bit, as if it's pushed up to too high. AND while the metal support goes up further to support the balcony (or whatever) above, there's no space in the railing for the corner support to do likewise.

    My conclusion? There isn't and wasn't a corner support. Somebody cranked the adjustable metal bit there too high, and decided to have a bit of fun for a pic by adding the ladder and the short wooden post.

    It's not structural, isn't needed on that corner, and was put there just for laughs. And that concrete underneath isn't foundation, it's just a paver.

    I think.

    John G

  4. Well, that appears to be some sturdy 6x6 PT balanced on top of that chinesium ladder, first!

  5. The building inspector will pass it as long as the brown bag is heavy enough.


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