
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

So what was up with the exploding teddy bear?

An exploding giant teddy bear led to the arrest of a suspect and the seizure of drugs, weapons and ammunition, police said. 

According to an Instagram post by the San Bernardino Police Department, officers responded to a 911 call from a local business owner who said he was told by witnesses that an explosive device had gone off in the parking lot in front of their business.


  1. Aloha Snackbar. Dude obviously had a bad fuse. He intended for some kid to go over and play with the cute cuddly and get blown up just as they do over the whole misguided middle-east.

  2. You call that an explosion? Ha! What an amateur!

    Of your going to do something nefarious, at least TRY to scout the area for cameras. Wear hat/mask/gloves, and by God use a stolen car for the getaway. Numbskulls need to be caught.

    Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. I'd be embarrassed if that were my bear, mine would leave a hole in the asphalt.


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