
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

That's some brazen shit, shooting somebody right outside the cop shop

CHICAGO — A Chicago man shot two Venezuelan migrants outside a Chicago police station and then led cops on a high-speed chase while drunk, ultimately crashing into a CPD patrol car, prosecutors said.


You know you live in a shithole city when thugs are shooting right outside of a police station, and this isn't an isolated instance. I bet I've posted 3-4 stories of it happening in the past couple months.


  1. Was he pissed because the illegals were infringing on his drug dealing, sex slave trafficing, welfare harvesting or all of the above territory?

  2. I assume it was POC on POC.
    Dont care.

  3. Venezuelan "migrants." IOW, illegal immigrants. Shame they had to go all the way to Chicago to get shot. Should of happened at our southern border by our own Border Patrol.

  4. But Venezuela is awash in oil and they recently went full How is it not Utopia?

  5. Are we certain no cops were involved in the shooting ? New Orleans had a couple cops that were involved in armed robberies and drug dealing. One a female is sitting on death row right now for killing another cop, she had previously worked with, during the commission of an armed robbery

    1. A couple? NO has more corrupt pigs than any other city in the U.S.

    2. Well Unclezip there has been a bunch of crooked cops in NOLa over the years and many have ended up in prison but more than any other city in the US may be stretching just a little.. That female I originally mentioned, well our soon to be outgoing, thank whatever higher power you believe in, governor wanted to commute her off death row before he gets evicted in Jan but the prison board told him to fuck off so maybe there's hope she'll be lit up soon.
      Fingers crossed 🤞

  6. We knew it was a shithole when you used the word 'chicago.'


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