
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Commentary: Offshore Wind Is an Economic and Environmental Catastrophe

When it comes to “renewables” wreaking havoc on the environment, wind turbines have stiff competition. For example, over 500,000 square miles of biofuel plantations have already replaced farms and forests to replace a mere 4 percent of transportation fuel. To source raw materials to build “sustainable” batteries, mining operations are scaling up, with no end in sight, in nations with appalling labor conditions and nonexistent environmental regulations. But the worst offender is the wind industry.


  1. Large scale wind is a joke, a money loser even with the insane subsidies. No wind turbine rated at a megawatt or more has ever or will ever be capable of generating the energy it took to construct it over its lifetime. Lare scale tidal makes sense by comparison, and that's saying something. You could generate electricity more efficiently using a crowd of sweater wearers rubbing balloons.

  2. I think the best point in this is the outcry if these were oil mining or nuclear. Sounds like a good candidate to write up 'an offshore oil platform is being created with these impacts based on how they're installing it'...then after the outcry, say, 'sorry, we made a mistake, it's not an oil platform, it's a series of turbines'.

  3. Gorebull warming is a scam. Always has been. One volcano spews as much greenhouse gasses in on day than the USA does in a year.

    China, who gets a pass till 2030 pollutes more than ALL other nations COMBINED

    Finally I'll leave this: Shocker: Green ‘Carbon Offsetting Firm’ a Giant Scam
    Amy Curtis
    4:00 PM on October 16, 2023


  4. But the right people got paid and a whole lot of goverment drones and busybodies got jobs. Thats all that matters

  5. I understand, but as long as plenty of scared people vote for this it will continue.
    And then, after that, some lefties will decide that, in order to 'save the planet', we'll have to go back to coal and oil. And they'll AGAIN be successful in scaring dumb and uninformed people.

    1. This will occur when those same lefties have acquired controlling interest in the deeply-discounted oil and coal industry.

  6. I propose a grass roots protest against all those ugly, inefficient turbines going up everywhere and producing less than nothing. We can call the movement 'Breaking Wind'.

  7. We need to start building rosters of people, both in and out of government, who are pushing these monstrosities. I predict a lot of these wind farms will be abandoned in the near future. Like rooftop solar is now. Orphans that the little guy will have to deal with.


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