
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tuesday's gifs













  1. yup. my old dog Slim would do the same damn thing in number 10. just what you need a damn dog laying on you when you are trying to get something done. and if you got down on the floor to work on anything, he try to climb in my lap. a 110 pound roadie that thinks he a lap dog. we miss his silly ass still here. although the carrots in the garden are safe now.
    once he found out they grew in the garden, he dug every one of them up for a snack. dave in pa.

    1. Yup, only in my case its 3 of them want to lie on the pad with me and stick their noses just where i'm working, which is better than a long tongue in your ear or up your nose i s'pose.
      Wouldn't have it any other way, far happier in the company of dogs than most people


  2. 10, we don't deserve dogs.
    - WDS

  3. #7 - I pity the fool that raises a hand at her.

  4. #7, if you ever have a Great Dane, boy what great dogs. I’m down to my two last rescues, people are already trying to give me more. Just they dying on you that hurts like hell.

  5. #10 I had a wife like that.....

  6. My sister has told me that the biggest problem with Great Danes is that they don't live nearly long enough.

    But that retriever knows that as soon as that car is fixed he's being taken to the vet so he can get fixed. He's trying his damnedest to change the owner's mind.

    1. The biggest drawback to any dog is they don't live long enough.

    2. Otto von Bismarck owned 24 Great Danes, they were his favorite canine. He didn't own any more because he said he couldn't bury another one. He was famous for his picture with a Dachshund but he did that as a joke and reason to start a duel...if someone laughed at him and the little dog he would challenge them to a duel because they were insulting the Emperor; he'd named it Kaiser Wilhelm.

  7. #10 I got a roller I use on my back. My girl always comes to assist.

  8. #7 reminds me of this story. There were these three dogs at the vet. The first one say is talking to the others. He says he got excited when a visitor came in the front door and started humping their leg. The owner is here to get me fixed. The second dog tells the other that the owner was sitting in his chair and that he started humping the owner's leg. He was here at the vet to get fixed also. The third dog, a great dane, said his owner took a shower and when she got out and bent over to dry off. He could not help himself and started humping her. The other two dogs look at each other and say he is getting fixed too. The great dane says "No". I am here for a nail trim.

  9. #7 ...and five minutes before, that Great Dane was licking its asshole. - Nemo


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