
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Coca-Cola quietly deletes mentions of BLM from company website

Coca-Cola has been a financial sponsor of Black Lives Matter for years, however, references to its support of the organization appeared to have vanished from its website in light of recent posts shared by the group siding with Hamas. 


  1. So does Coca Cola now want us to try to be less black after asking us to be less white? It's so hard to keep up with soft drink policies these days. Think I'll just stick with whiskey.

    Now that it occurs to me, do you suppose that Larceny bourbon supports BLM? Sounds like a match.

    1. How about Best Buy, Target, and all of the other "woke" asshole companies out there? Are they going to start taking a knee for us whites (I.E. the people that actually buy their shit) as well? Too little, too late as far as I am concerned. Hope they go bankrupt!

  2. I don't drink their Crap cola so it doesn't matter what is or not is on their website. However, if Carlo Rossi tries that BLM shit I'm gonna jump in their trash

  3. coke can stick it up the ass. I am done. For good. With coke products, not that i was ever much of a customer anyway. And fuck Joe Biden.

  4. Sody pop will rust your pipes, anyway.

    1. They are pretty good at cleaning rust off of pans and bumpers. What does that tell you about what it does to your insides??

  5. I walked away from sodas 5 years ago and have never missed it so shove it coca cola 🖕

  6. Interesting considering the HQ is in Atlanta where everthing is viewed through the lense of slavery and civil rights.

  7. Haven't touched their products in years. Please look up their entire product offering Sprite, Smart water, Fanta, Peak tea, Minute Maid, ect!


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