
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Commentary: The People in Charge of Our Money Supply Have No Idea What They’re Doing

If you still think the people running America’s central bank understand inflation and interest rates, think again.

A prime example is Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Austan Goolsbee, who was wrong about inflation and is now wrong about interest rates and a soft landing for the economy. He is an ideologue clearly undeterred by facts—a scary reality for someone who helps control the money supply.

Mr. Goolsbee (pictured above), a perpetual cheerleader for the Biden administration, was a staunch supporter of the narrative that inflation was transitory, even as it accelerated month after month throughout 2021 and for the first half of 2022. The facts were immaterial because they contradicted the administration’s narrative. Mr. Goolsbee helped deliver a political talking point and inflation by pushing for low interest rates.


  1. This damn fool is too naive to understand that it isn't incompetence, it's malice.

  2. They don't know what their doing but they suck the correct politician's dicks and that's all that matters.

  3. A small portion of the people in power are abject morons. Most of them however are not. They are evil, not stupid. And they are working to implement an agenda. An agenda that is not friendly too the vast majority of Americans nor to America. They love it when people perceive them as stupid. Stupidity gets a bye where evil would not.

    1. Dan, you nailed it.

    2. I would say that a lot of them know what they are doing - in the short term. It's the long term that seems to escape their attention, or else they are dumb enough to think they are invincible...a common human failing.

  4. I am pretty sure they know exactly what they are doing.

  5. Alan Blinder, former VP of the Fed, had an op ed in the Wall Street Journal last week wondering why Biden is blamed for a bad economy when it's really great. You are just too stupid to realize how great it is. Yeah, inflation was 9% but now its back down to 3.5% so you should be dancing in the streets he said. Just not sure if he's a complete moron or just a f-wad shilling for FJB. Probably both.

  6. The Devil doesn't show up in a red body suit and pitchfork; he shows up in a suit and tie and tells you that you are to believe everything he says and does is for your benefit.

  7. The *people* in charge of our money supply know EXACTLY what they are doing.

  8. At some point, stupidity stops being cover for sabotage.
    The truly stupid ones ARE the Tools, being used to accomplish the destruction of Western society. While the Bilderberger types are allowed to continue to operate, the world will burn.

  9. Imminently punchable face.


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