
Monday, November 20, 2023

Border Patrol Nabs More Illegal Aliens on Terror Watchlist in October than in Three Years Under Trump

Border Patrol agents arrested more illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist in October than over the course of three years under the Trump administration, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data updated Tuesday.

Border Patrol recorded 13 encounters of individuals on the terror watchlist at both the northern and southern borders of the U.S. in October alone, according to the data. Encounters of illegal immigrants on the terror watchlist between fiscal years 2018 and 2020, during most of Donald Trump’s presidency, added up to 12.


  1. Border patrol probably let them go after they promised to appear in court. Our border patrol does not control the border, they have become concierge for illegal alien invaders. F*ck the border patrol, just another group of o'biden employees who hate the USA.

  2. Are they trying to say that the Border Patrol under Biden is doing more to combat terrorism than Trump did OR are they saying that under Trump the terrorists knew better than to try to enter the country?

  3. Because we have more crossing the border than under Trump.

  4. Must be hard to work for border patrol, not a job I would like to do

  5. Well, they, those bastards, have a plan. Martial law about next October. Just imagine the number that got though undetected.

  6. Democrats: they're not "illegal aliens", they're "immigrant terrorist"!

  7. nice to see that the border patrol has become more efficient under fjb


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