
Thursday, November 09, 2023

Caught up in the moment, gets a paid vacation

NAUGATUCK, Conn. (AP) - A Connecticut police officer who shocked a shoplifting suspect three times with a stun gun, including when the man was on the ground apologizing, has been charged with third-degree assault and cruelty. 

Naugatuck Officer Nicholas Kehoss turned himself in to state police on Monday after an arrest warrant was issued, state police said Tuesday. He is free after posting a $50,000 bond and is due in court on Nov. 8.


  1. I'm always curious about these cases of obvious criminality but paid leave while investigated, then disability retirement from the stress of being found guilty.

    Don't any of these victims have family?
    I mean, knowing full well the system will protect it's own, why aren't the families taking their own revenge,?

    I damn sure would, might be a while down the road when everyone has forgotten. Might be long after the orc thought he had gotten away with it. But nonetheless.

    1. I suggest you stop thieving, and ramming police cars.
      Then I can pretty much guarantee this won’t happen to you.

    2. So, you think this only happens to criminals? I'm gonna leave alone your implication that I 'thieve and ram police cars' since your thought processes are quite obviously too busy blowing orcs to think rationally.

    3. To anonymous. I guess you didn't hear about the elderly lady with dementia, 100lbs. or so soaking wet, got her arm broken by two piece of shit Colorado cops, who, along with a few other pieces of shit at the station, were laughing about it. Left in a cell for hours without treatment. How's them boots taste? You like the soles or the upper better?

  2. Can't imagine why the officer got excited after having his police car rammed with him in it.

  3. Let the punishment fit the crime. Then fire his tyrannical ass and blackball him from ever getting a job with a badge.

  4. Dealing with loud mouth taunting assholes as a career has to be a real test , I can see coming unwound and wanting to drive somebody in the ground like a tent peg !

    1. I wouldn't have lasted a month as a cop, especially when I was a youngster and before I mellowed out.

    2. Back a while, there was a piece of shit that drowned her 5 kids. I have think it was Texas. If I was first cop on the scene, that bitch would have been DRT, after she attacked me with a knife. That's why I couldn't ever be a cop. I think she got not guilty, by reason of insanity. Pretty sure she's in a low security mental institution.

  5. ...and the officer was heard screaming "Stop Resisting" as the perp was flopping around on the ground from being repeatedly tased.


  6. First child molster I came across would never make it to jail if I was police officer police are far from perfect but if your being honest your should admit you wouldn't put up with have of what they do in there job

  7. Let's be honest here, 3 is a prime number for the prime suspect.


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