
Thursday, November 09, 2023

Woman killed in what's believed to be the first deadly elk attack in Arizona

MOHAVE COUNTY, Ariz. - A woman was killed in what's believed to be the first deadly elk attack in Arizona.


There were no witnesses, but her husband says he saw a bucket of spilled corn nearby, leading investigators to think she was feeding the elk.


  1. When will people learn not to pet the Buffalo/bison, walk up to the moose, feed the elk, or hand feed Yogi? A week ago, I saw an idiot hand feeding squirrels in the park, and one of them nipped her. Obviously that didn’t kill her, but I hope it taught her a lesson.

    1. Folks, while you can still get them - see your local agriculture dept about rabies shots. The shots are normal injections, not the horror stories they told you as a kid. You need (3) shots, although (2) gets you what you actually need. #3 is a booster, I believe.

  2. Them Elks is dangerous. She should have stuck to hanging with the loyal order of the Moose

  3. Reminds me of a two-legged species of ferals that we foolishly continue to feed out of grossly misplaced altruism, only to have them bite us in the arse, again and again and again.

    1. Amen brother. We feed and care for them then wonder why we get more. And of course they resent and tend to violence when their chocolate rations are increased from 30 grams to 20 grams per week - or merely told of such an increase by rumor or MSM.

    2. Nice 1984 reference there - Nemo

  4. Prior to the attack she said, Oh it's safe as long as you know what you are doing. Dumb ass.

  5. Back in the 60s, there was a poster in Yellowstone Park of a guy who had his arm ripped off by a bear that he had been feeding marshmallows to.
    Yes, really...
    Seems the guy had decided that the bear had had enough marshmallows.
    The bear disagreed.

  6. An Elk is just a big variety of deer and this time of year the males go into rut. They can get a little crazy. I remember the first deer I ever shot would have been a 10 pointer but 3 tines were broken off, his ear was torn, and he had a big scar on his neck. He didn't get all that by being a gentle little Bambi.

  7. Did you hear the one about the morons who got part of the Blue Ridge Hiway closed down because they just couldn't resist playing with BooBoo?
    Momma bear should have eaten them.


  8. Man places spilled bucket of corn next to dead wife, says "Must have been an Elk."


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