
Wednesday, November 01, 2023

DeSantis Still Tied In Single Digits With Nikki Haley

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’s standing in the GOP presidential primary has dwindled, with the governor scoring just eight percent support, placing him in a second-place tie with former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley. Back in December 2022, DeSantis had a 36-point backing in the same McLaughlin poll. This decline is starkly juxtaposed with former President Donald Trump’s now 47-point lead over DeSantis and Haley, marking a significant surge since he was beating DeSantis by just 18 points at the turn of the year.


  1. I'm sorry, I just don't feel it with Trump. He has the absolute worst judgement in people, almost completely down the board, consistently he surrounds himself with traitorous scum and sell outs. I'm tired of his locker room rants, that seem to have followed him from Middle School. While I appreciate him being a target, to show everyone the BS directed towards Conservative types, I'm weary of his methods. Oh Lord yes...

    Next election, while he may eventually get my vote, it's going to be another "Anybody but Biden" election. Same as what I did with "anyone but Hillary".

    I know there are many Trump supporters out there who will disagree and fight against such talk, however, the man can't keep the mud slinging comments out of his mouth and have an actual discussion. It's impossible!


    1. Trump lost my vote with his support of Red Flag laws and further empowering the ATF with the bumpstock ban for starters.

    2. Amen. His speeches are all good, but his actions line up with all other presidents in the last hundred years - treasonous and in direct contravention of their oaths of office.

      If he just surrounded himself with swamp creatures, that would be one thing.
      If he just made bad decisions on Guns, that would be one thing.
      If he just backed up the treasonous and false vaccine scams, that would be one thing.

      But that's three, and those aren't the only things, and together they're a damning picture. If voting in my area wasn't "all by mail" and "electronic only" and thus compromised to hell and gone, I'd be more worried about it. But my states going to vote for Biden no matter what I do, and the local elections aren't much better.

      John G

  2. Trump is a straight up pussy on 1A and 2A issues. Until it comes to him.

  3. I want a smart trump a trump that isn't his own worst enemy

  4. I think DeSantis is a good governor, the people of Florida reelected him with a overwhelming approval, unfortunately he seems to have forgotten about that job and put himself in a failing role in his campaign for president... If I was a resident of Florida I would be passed by his abandonment of his post..

    1. Plus 1
      DeSantis is a great governor, and needs to stay exactly where he is.
      The various red states need great governors now more than ever.

  5. We will lose a shit ton more than 2A another lib is elected, especially quid pro joe* aka kamala all run by BO & soros.


  6. Army Vet here: 1968-1971. IQ45 is a traitor.....Treat him as such!

  7. you don't vote your way out of socialism.

  8. Only stupid people vote for RINOs & libs.

    1. Who said anything about voting for RINOs or liberals? The article is about DeSantis and Haley being tied. Not one word was spoken by anybody here about voting for either.

  9. Sure don't vote for Trump - bc you love inflation & wars - brilliant!

    Stupid is as stupid does

    You're not posting my comments so đź’‹

    1. I am not voting for any presidential candidate that is willing to ignore the 2nd, 4th and 14th Amendment, the Bill of Rights being the very foundation this once great nation was built on, inflation be damned.

      Try putting up a civil comment every great once in a while instead of insults and it will get posted. Or you can just continue to waste your time with insults that won't get posted.
      Stupid is as stupid does.

  10. Trump has some minuses for sure, but the way he gets the Left so worked up and bothered to fear him even running definitely has my support. The Left hates him nearly as much as the RINOS who were hiding in the grass before Trump showed up and forced them to the surface. RINOS are worse than the Left - they pretend to be an asset when they are working to be an enemy. Fug those guys !

    The coming election is probably one of the most evenly matched comparisons we've had in quite a while. 4 years of Trump vs. 4 years of Biden. Which person do you want 4 more years of ? Which candidate will provide legislation that will make you happier ? Only you can answer this question.

    The Left is trying to eliminate Trump from the ballot. I guess they don't know write in votes count too ?

  11. If DeCocksucker will change Florida law to run for president, he'll change whatever in the fuck he wants to keep you in line.

  12. Mixed emotions on DeSantis, no way in hell for Haley, don't need any more war mongers.....
    the debate doesn't really matter until our voting process is secured, and I don't see that happening......buckle up, here comes libtard world


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