
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Romney says any Democrat would be ‘an upgrade’ over Trump in 2024

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) signaled that nearly any candidate in the 2024 field, of either party, would be an “upgrade” over another term for former President Trump. 

“I’d be happy to support virtually any one of the Republicans — maybe not Vivek [Ramaswamy] — but the others that are running would be acceptable to me, and I’d be happy to vote for them,” the retiring senator said Friday in an interview with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell.


  1. He's Uniparty all the way, has been his whole career along with the other professional politicians who have been running things. Trump snuck in and was messing with their racket, they don't want a martyr hence the push to disqualify him.

  2. And to think I voted for that asshole.

    1. I voted against Obama, I didn't actively vote for Mittens.

    2. Ditto, but I still regret it.

  3. Mitt, projection is a shameful character flaw of Hillary. Why are you copying her?

    1. Because he's an idiot who is actually far less intelligent than he thinks he is?

  4. Pierre is a transenator and it’s his time of the month.

  5. What a sorry assed faux Mormon. I'm betting Mittins is a fucking bottom boy faggot who likes to be horse whipped by a daddy wearing a Chuck Schumer mask and studded leather cock strap while watching a porn flick of Hillary eating AOC's hairy crotch.

    1. Mind your mouth! We all know AOC donates her shaved pubes to make wigs for ghetto dwellers.

    2. I'd drop a load in AOC before a trim!

      Chutes Magoo

  6. Gee whiz Mitt, I was already going to vote for Trump, You don't have to sell me on it! 🤣

  7. "Any Democrat would be ‘an upgrade’ over Trump in 2024."

    And any idiot other than Romney would be an improvement over Mittens in 2024. Fork the corksucker.

  8. Mitt is a democrat along with his incompetent niece ronna mcdaniels. The two of them with china mitch make it difficult for republicans to win.

    1. Is she the McDaniels that withheld campaign funds from MAGA candidates in 2022, turning The Red Wave into a drip?

  9. Spoiled Mitt is still angry he lost. He's also angry because Trump accomplished things Mitt could not have dreamed of let alone pulled off. He's an ass.

  10. What a sad, bitter man is Mitt Romney! Like Bob Dole and John McCain, he was only our nominee because it was "his turn". And until we get Ronna out of the way, the GOP will keep on with the "his turn" BS. It is truly saddening to see the man who was once our standard bearer turn on everything Conservative about the republican party. Had DT made him SoS, Mitt would have probably gone to John Kerry for advice instead of following the dictates of President Trump.

    Anymore, I think we were better served with a second term of the Communist Kenyan than a Romney presidency.

    1. Yeah, Mittens is still all butthurt that he didn't get a cabinet post during the Trump administration.
      And seeing what appointments have been made during the Biden Regime, that's a pretty low threshold.

    2. Kind of like Christine Christie is still all butthurt that he didn't get picked by Trump to be his Attorney General. And he's been working ever since to get even.
      What a frickin' fat assed Jerk. With a Capitol J.

    3. Oh yeah, I remember back in 1996 thinking, who the fuck is Bob Dole? I was pretty active in politics to the extent I was all in on gun rights and read the news daily. Dole was a nobody we never heard of and most people assumed Clinton was unbeatable, so why not put a nobody against him.

  11. Worthless human stain

  12. Mittens the wonder pussy.

  13. So why is this guy’s niece still head of the Republican Party?

    1. Who better to represent the Red Wing of the Uniparty?

    2. As Sly & The Family Stone said, "It's a family affair..."

  14. Mitt, your family is calling. Spend more time with it.

  15. Oh, go fuck yourself Romney. Go back to Utah and rinse the starch out of your magic underwear.

  16. by saying ANY democrat, Rino Mitt is admitting he has a no moral compass, integrity or core set of moral principles. He is just another pos politician whose only motivations are greed and a lust for increased power over others.

    1. Agreed! He goes in the same basket as Kerry and Shillery.

  17. My dog pissing on roses would be an upgrade over Romney.
    Worst of the worst of the useless RINO's.

  18. Who really cares what this undocumented Democratic says.

    He is an example of the indoctrination and moral failure of the religious corporation/cult he belongs to.

  19. The amount of people who care about Romney's opinion is so small it can only be measured theoretically.


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