
Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Sterilizing the Young

The aggressive promotion of gender ideology has coincided with a sharp rise in children identifying as transgender. As with the eugenics movement of a century ago, doctors are subjecting these young and vulnerable children to harmful drugs and irreversible surgeries that can leave them permanently sterilized.

Researchers attribute the new phenomenon of rapid-onset gender dysphoria largely to social contagion. In England, the number of girls identifying as transgender skyrocketed by 4,400 percent in a 10-year period. In Denmark, the number of children referred to the centralized gender service also exploded, climbing from 97 in 2016 to 352 in 2022, of whom 70 percent were female. Between 2017 and 2021, American youth receiving a diagnosis of gender dysphoria nearly tripled in just five years, according to one study.


  1. That's one way to weed out the weak-minded, susceptible to social media "contagion" from the gene pool. That might even be the death sentence for Democrats.

  2. Can we sterilize the dindus?

    1. Planned Parenthood has been working that issue since 1973.


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