
Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Group Sues Biden Administration for Information on Alaska Oil Drilling

The Americans for Prosperity Foundation filed a court action Tuesday against the Biden administration, claiming they have failed to respond properly to a request for information on oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

The Trump administration approved the oil and drilling leases in January 2021, shortly before the former president left office. The Biden administration canceled them last month, citing concerns about climate change.


  1. Right on! Because buying oil from the Arabs is much better for the environment.

    1. Well, it is already hotter than hell there, so global warming from oil production won’t be as severe there. Right?

  2. ANWR was established only because of the proviso allowing oil exploration/extraction in a TINY section of it. If there's no such any more, fine. Open ANWR & sell it to the public.
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. A few more weeks of Biden Foreign Relations and the A-Rabs are going to quit selling us oil again, so get ANWR up and on line.


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