
Thursday, November 02, 2023

The Bloody Failed Experiment of Gun-Free “Death” Zones

After watching senseless killings in Gun Free Zones time and time again, logical-thinking people start to consider the fact that deaths occur in these locations because people can’t defend themselves when under attack. Mainstream media, in coordination with the Democrat party, is highly tuned in to this awareness and works effortlessly to counteract that thought process through an endless stream of propaganda, rhetoric, and gun-blaming.


  1. Whenever I see a sign or read about a "gun free zone" I always wonder what it is about concealed carry that they don't understand?

  2. Millions of brain dead emotional reacting Americans only hear the Progressive "Guns are evil and they all must be banned" call to prayer. They don't think critically or rely on logic. As an example just look at the current kids going bat shit crazy in the streets screaming death to jews. America's 1950s culture is kaput.

  3. I largely ignore those signs.

  4. I'm thinking in light of current events and our wide open boarder carrying every where is a pretty damn good idea. Especially shopping malls. And things are only going to get worse the closer we get to the election. Remember, they've had a shopping mall get hit twice by terrorists in Kenya. So it's in their play book.

    1. Shit, there's been two malls in Minnesota hit by machete-wielding beaners, one of them also had a shooter while the big one had a young White boy tossed off a balcony.

      I go everywhere armed, doubled-up if there's diversity in the forecast, with the 2nd being a carbine in the rig because they tend to block majot thoroughfares around the Twin Shitties.

  5. I've been to a couple of gun free zones, but I never got a free gun....not going back.

  6. Unless there a metal detector or a pat down involved I ignore those signs if it someplace I need to go otherwise I will just spend my money elsewhere

    1. I don't understand the big honking "No Firearms or Weapons" sign at my little rural Post Office or any polling place.

    2. Well post office is considered federal property and we both know what kind of assholes they are... Polling place is due to your legislators writing that into law, it usually falls in with public meetings of government officials and nonsense like that...

  7. I submit the "Gun-Free Zones" are doing its intended purpose.

    But that job is NOT to reduce the victims of "gun violence." Its intended purpose is to generate victims of "gun violence" in order to create more gun laws.

  8. it would appear that no number of victims will assuage the virtue of the gun grabbers. none. but as a consolation, they will be the first ones loaded into the boxcars or shot.

    1. I respectfully disagree. The gun grabbers will be ushering the unarmed populace into the cattle cars.

  9. Texas Legislature passed an "Open Carry on Campus" law a few years ago (yeah purely an unnecessary gesture but a nice one) ; I know a few professors personally and they were all horrified and sure they were going to die. At a party one night the circle-jerk whining got annoying enough that I pointed out that the people most likely to shoot them didn't give a damn about gun laws, and that having a gun in the pocket of your hoodie was considered concealed carry anyway (which would require a permit as if that meant anything).

    They'd become safer by banning hoodies than by banning open carry.

    It was fun to see their reaction, and it certainly stopped the whining. Of course I don't get invited to many parties anymore, but that's a feature not a bug.


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