
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

A Brief History of the T Shirt

Just how is it that an item of clothing originally invented as underwear became one of the defining fashion items of the modern age, worn by the mightiest president, the shiniest pop star, and the dustiest construction worker is history that deserves to be remembered.

VIDEO HERE  (12:06 minutes)

My apologies to whoever sent this in. I forgot to record your name when I saved it to my folder.


  1. Ok, so what's your favorite brand?

    1. Hanes, if I'm buying an undershirt. As outerwear, I buy for the logo, not the brand. I've gotten some ill fitting shirts before, too.


  2. Some Jersey "T" memories from the 1970s

    Louie: “We’re goin to the shore tomorrow should I put on a black shirt or white guinea tee?”

    Guido: “It’s gonna be 98 degrees I'd go with the guinea tee bro”

  3. No apologies necessary Ken.

    1. Thanks, bro. I usually tag anything a reader sends in with their name when I save it. I figure if you're going to take the time to send it in, I can take the time to credit you.

    2. Love logoT's; have quite a few.
      My favorite is a fly fishing shirt that sports a pic of a good-size Brownie & says "The older I get, the bigger it was".

  4. I have exactly 1 (one) tee with writing on it. 'The Few, The Proud, The Dads!' with the EGA. The other 20 are all black wifebeaters, mostly to cover my ink under a white work shirt..

  5. Used to wear "Hang Ten" t-shirts, the ones with the little feet for a logo.

  6. I still do the forest green with pocket. It's hard to find the old forest green. No logo. I also own gray wife beaters with no logo. Sure had tons of Harley tee's I got at every shop I stopped at. They are pretty much worn out and gone now. Tee shirts, the most comfortable clothing made.


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