
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Bro, your dog's in the road



  1. Yep that’s California.

  2. that is about the only reason that people around here will slow down. someone's dog is loose and in the road. I think it was 2 years ago, route 53 was at a crawl because of a dog walking down the center line. there was close to 10 or more trucks and cars both ways.
    and the damn dog was just "taking his time" going home. it is the only reason people slow down when coming up on a small town. otherwise, most people drive 20-30 miles OVER the speed limit in the hills of pa, dave in pa.

  3. Most people will run the protester over rather than the dog.

    1. wouldn't you ? like the stop oil morons ? dave in pa.

    2. It is best to accelerate so the protestor knows you mean business.

    3. Unless the image is reversed, that's not Commiefornia.

    4. I think the image is reversed, Mike. The cars don't have those wide-ass license plates they use in Europe.

    5. American cars, some without front plates, I say that's NV or AZ. The image is reversed.

    6. Looks like California to me with the coast range in the background.

  4. Protester….????
    You mean the person (woman..??) on the Audi hood….????
    There’s probably more to this story.

  5. I can see kicking the woman out. But the dog didnt do anything to deserve getting left.

  6. My supervisor's already ex wife was one of the few people ever permanently banned from our Air Guard base for just this. She showed up at the shop to have an argument, my supervisor told her we weren't doing that here and to follow him off base to a convenient breakfast place. She refused, and when he got in his truck to drive off, she jumped on the hood just like that. He drove her to the main gate with her still on the hood, stopped and asked security if they could do something about her. Turns out they could.

    Good times.


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