
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

ATF Violates Agreed Upon Timeline By Filing For An Appeal In Pistol Brace Case

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has filed a notice of appeal in a case challenging its rule against pistol braces (FINAL RULE 2021R-08F). Gun Owners of America (GOA) filed a motion for summary judgment a day later. 

The case, Texas v. ATF, is a joint effort between GOA, Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), and the state of Texas to take down the ATF’s pistol brace rule.


  1. Fellow Knuckledraggers, I implore you to reflect on how hard the federal government works to take away constitutionally established rights and gnaw away at the pursuit of liberty. What has the government done in your life to EXPAND liberty and freedom? The government is established of, by, and for the people. But the traitorous scum who inhabit the government work solely in their own interests - never as servants of the people who enable them to have those jobs.

    I'm getting old and ornery. I've had enough of these communists who have infiltrated our republic. It's time to toss a whole lot of tea into a body of water.

    1. Knuckledraggers? WTF? I thought we were Wirecutters and members of the KTSFC. If you’re going to instigate a fed party, you might as well use your name.

  2. The Progressives are playing the long game. They know us 2nd amendment supporters are dying off and younger generations are being steered away from firearms. Sad to say, but it's a fact no of us can do anything about.

  3. The only solution is to #defundATF. Completely. Totally. No exceptions. there Has never been a single honorable, decent human being employed in any capacity by the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Dirt bags, to the man.

    1. Defund all the alphabet agencies.

    2. Doc is absolutely correct - after WW1, decades of slow processes to remove our 2a rights.

      the same methods should be used on them then. FIRST- Defund/layoff every atf employee that is in the Alcohol section ( it is redundant, no longer necessary)

      defunding them ( and the others) outright will probably not work, so reverse the strategy

  4. O.K., I confess. Like the good citizen sap I am, I filed the paperwork during the
    'amnesty period,' during which time they were supposed to 'forebear' collecting the $200 tax on each of my two AR pistols. So first, my next credit card statement had $400 deducted by the ATF. Then, GOA filed a suit, and I should have just shut my big mouth while it was adjudicated. Now 11 months later, still no word if I am 'qualified' to own these horrible weapons of war.

    So, assuming they get off their asses long enough to approve my short barrel forms, the first thing I'm doing is mount a real stock on them instead of the kludge I made up in the basement.

    And yeah, don't bother calling me an idiot. I already figured that out.

    1. So do they keep the 400 bucks even if they disapprove you? Or can you use that as an assumption that they were approved?

    2. I was a CPA. One way or another, I will get that $400 back.

    3. (Plus interest.)

    4. as a vet you should know better than to trust the gov't clowns. don't have one myself
      but if I did. I would have swapped out the barrels and put on a good stock.
      you can always go back if you want too. but don't beat yourself up too much as a lot of others did the same thing. it a hard thing to do "stay legal" with these fickle assholes running this shit show. dave in pa. 1/503 PIR a long time ago.

  5. (And penalty)


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