
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Commentary: The Liberal Media’s Desperate New ‘Trump Will Be a Dictator’ Narrative

The leftwing media recently got its orders from the Biden campaign on a new narrative to smear Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential campaign. Because their previous narrative of Trump colluding with Russia and Vladimir Putin has been discredited, they are promoting anew one: if Donald Trump wins the November 2024 presidential election, he will become a dictator similar to Hitler or Napoleon.


  1. They keep throwing this shit against the wall via MSNBC, CNN, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone & VOX. They're Liberal fans don't need encouragement to hate Trump just as most Conservatives can't be swayed away from him. Money is no obstacle since they're being funded by Soros and other Billionaire progressives. They’re hammering away at the fence sitters with this “Dictator” narrative. It will probably sway a few and that's all they need. Every legit dimwit's vote is one less phony one they'll have to stuff into the drop box

  2. "... he will become a dictator similar to Hitler or Napoleon."

    But not like Obama or Biden.

    1. If the left doesn’t want the Fourth Reich, they should stop pushing Weimar 2.0 on the West.

    2. Anonymous @1:25.

      So much this.

      And Anonymous 10:34 Doing the very things you're accusing the opposition of is an old Democrat trick.

  3. Most ironic is the fact that all the claims of dictatorial things Trump will do ARE THINGS THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS CURRENTLY DOING! The only thing missing is pull a Trudeau and start freezing bank accounts.

  4. even if he did, that would still be better than lyin biden

  5. Hmmm, he wasn't any kind of dictator last time; indeed, his policies reflected more individual freedom than most presidents, Repub or demo, in my lifetime. And I know we were better off financially with Trump as well.
    Lies and the lying liars that tell them, as Al Franken the leftist liar lied about.

  6. Trump as dictator. Where's the downside?

  7. Should Trump be re-elected and proceed to cleanup the government as the American people want, the Left will have reason to consider him negatively. But payback's a bitch and the Dems have it coming.

  8. They're recycling their crap. Libtards were saying before Trump was elected that if he was elected people would be rounded up and put in concentration camps, and other such crap. I guess it ain't fun being delusional - for years and years.

  9. They're pushing this boolshite because they got nothin' and they know it. Their best option is if Bribem suffers an "unfortunate accident" or some kind health emergency like a heart attack or stroke. They can then draft Governor Hairdo, who is NOT a good option, but probably the best one they can pull off on short notice.

    'Course Hitlery announced last week that she's going to campaign for Bribem, so Arkancide can't be ruled out and she'd be right there to jump in afterwards.

    RE: Hitlery, I saw report earlier that Billary "allegedly" said during the 2016 campaign that she "couldn't sell pussy on a troop train", not that any red blooded male in the country and perhaps the world wants to be within 100 feet of that thing.


  10. In the immortal (paraphrased) words of Dr. Krieger of "Archer", 'Stop... I can only get so erect!"

  11. tyrants are able to see all kinds of strange things in their political enemies. Usually it comes from deep within the person projecting their ideals on to others for political and private gain.

  12. The left needs to realize that the problem with saying stupid things is that people will start to think you’re stupid.


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