
Friday, December 08, 2023

Good Morning



  1. Best day ever. Puppy breath everywhere. Total bliss

  2. there is a breeder on the way into town. yellow labs. he has a huge yard out front that is penned off a bit closer to his house. that is where the puppies play. we got lucky one day
    driving into town and stopped in, talked with the owner and had a chance to play with the pups
    a great 10 minutes or so. anyway. I told him he should charge people to play with the pups
    he laughed at me. said it keeps them from driving him and his wife nuts if someone plays with them to wear them out a bit. a little too rich for me though at 3 grand a pup.
    although they where great pups and the parents where close by and they where great too.
    might be worth it. we see. and a another great one here. dave in pa.

  3. What a fun day for the pups and the kid. Nice.

  4. Good mornings are the best mornings.

  5. One of those things ya just sit and watch over and over.

  6. The best dogs I’ve owned came from families with kids that played with them just like this.
    I love the Good Morning pics!

  7. I wish that had sound! Too cute.


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