
Friday, December 08, 2023

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

SANFORD, Fla. - A woman was arrested after she assaulted a couple at a Sanford Wawa after they refused to pay for her wine, police said. 

Angelique Dion Glenn, 31, was arrested on two counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon following the early Thursday incident.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. Ya saved me the time of looking her up myself. No great mystery as to her pigmentation.

  2. Entitlement, thy name is ..

  3. What? Ms. Watusi couldn't afford the $2.98 for the bottle of Ripple?

  4. She got the gimmies, ain't paying for nothing.
    She could have been a Hutu and not a Watusi

  5. I can tell you she's a jogger without reading the article....

  6. "Angelique"... Sanford, Florida.... lemme check my intuition by clickin' on that story... YEP... Every. Single. Time. God granted us the powers of pattern recognition, you Ignore that at your own peril. I guess the guy and his GF can both say they went out and got smashed.

  7. Even the Uber guy refused the fare? Did she hit him, too?

  8. I'd have paid for the wine. And taken it home and enjoyed it myself.


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