
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

I can hold it, thanks



  1. Lol, makes me think of Ray Steven’s song about how’d you get that Harley up on the high dive.
    Soooo how does the port-a-pot company clean that thing out?

    O/T Does anyone have a good insomnia cure?
    Farm Wife

    1. Lower it to the ground by construction crane.


    2. The song was Shriner’s Convention. Ray Stevens is a Southern legend.

  2. Can you imagine being in that thing doing your business and someone hooks the crane to it and swings it off the platform before checking if it's empty. I would kill a motherfu@ker.

  3. Really speeds up bathroom reading time. Imagine sitting down in that in high winds, that threatening to fly off at any minute ...

  4. Something tells me, there are a lot of private areas in that project that smell of human waste

  5. OSHA could not be reached for a comment.

  6. Well, another solution is a half-height shitter that will fit between the unfinished floors. Of course, many people object to taking a shit while being watched by everyone else on the job site. Which reminds me of a funny story. You see, they actually make half-height shitters, that come in groups of four with a hook for lifting via crane. They lift them up and down every week for the honey truck guy to clean and empty them.

    Of course, not everyone's OK with taking a dump in full(ish) view of the whole jobsite.

    One of the guys (I forget who) really didn't like the "accommodations" provided and got in a row with the foreman about it - he wanted to take the crowed and busy elevator down ten stories to the ones on the ground. Of course, being the foreman, you can guess who "won" that argument. So the dude waits until a day when the bigshots are getting a tour of the construction site, holds it in as hard as he can, and manages to time it perfectly.

    Just as the group of twenty come around the corner, half of them women of course as these things go, they're met with the sight, smell, and sound. Along with the loud "aaahhhh" of relief.

    The next week the figured out how to get full-size shitters onto one of the floors.

    John G.

  7. One of the largest building jobs I ever worked (750 people on site at it's high point) put in temporary INDOOR, HEATED bathrooms for winter complete with plywood stalls the carpenters built and full fixtures.....UNTIL.... Some fat fuck complained loudly they weren't clean enough to the General Superintendent and about 50 of us standing around for our weekly safety meeting.
    " I'll take care of it." was all he said.
    30 minutes after the meeting was over my phone rang and my area foreman said "Neck, get your crew together and meet me on level 2, the shitters are coming out."
    When I got there the plumbers had already pulled the fixtures and we demoed the stalls and even took the temporary doors down. The electricians came and took the heaters.
    From then on it was a cold ride down the buckhoist to a frozen Blue Cube or a cold half-high.
    Big mouth was gone by the end of the week.....


    1. Sonofabitch should have toted an ass-whipping on his way out the door.


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