
Friday, December 08, 2023

I'm sure the 'migrants' will appreciate the free clothes

A furious girlfriend launched an entire closet's worth of clothes out her sixth floor NYC apartment's balcony. 

Hilarious footage captured the dramatic moment a woman in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, tossed a heap of clothing onto the sidewalk after she caught her boyfriend cheating.

The 34-year-old woman allegedly came home and walked in on her boyfriend in bed with someone else - which sent her into a crazed episode.


  1. The funny thing is that, if a man had done this, he would be going to jail for domestic violence.

  2. If it is not new, the illegals will thumb their noses at it. They are above that now. They are in the US.

  3. Perhaps if she had just made him a sandwich to begin with???

  4. Women seem to think they can get away with anything... destruction of property, hitting men and worse. Then they insist that they are not the crazy one. It insults reality.
    Women also should consider the dynamics in a relationship. What does the man get out of it? Ladies, if you are not putting in some work (i.e., making that sandwich with care, laundry, tidying up, household management) and taking care of his other needs (yes, those are needs, not wants) ... understand that if this restaurant does not serve water and serving water is beneath her, then there ae plenty of other places to sate one's appetite. A man wants PEACE in his life. Women are supposed to bring PEACE, comfort. That happens to include a fair bit of sex.
    Men, if you are doing the things needed (providing income, protection, guidance, etc.) then what of the aforementioned things can you get ala carte? You can buy a sandwich. You can pay the laundromat to fluff & fold. These are commodities. Your woman should be the enthusiastic artisanal producer of these things. If she is not interested in that role, well then, you are just her current host organism.
    Ladies ... consider your options here. You can accept this with a decent guy, or take your chances on the c*ck carousel as your physical charms diminish post-wall as you try to catch a guy on his way up as you are on the glideslope to box wine, multiple cats and spinsterdom. Your pride is a pretty expensive luxury. Living alone in your later years is a lot different for men than it is for women.
    Trying to compel a man to be celibate after he has been married is a fundamental change in the terms of the arrangement, and should you attempt that, well ... you gets what you gets. Sad, but true.

  5. She's have probably got off easier if she threw the boyfriend out the window in NYC


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