
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Loose Lips Sinks Ships

If you are cheating on your partner, you may want to avoid booking an Uber with Roni. 

The Uber driver went viral on TikTok after posting a video sharing the story of how she exposed a passenger who was cheating on his wife.


  1. Snitches today are as common as flies on a gut wagon. Stay focused and if you're gonna visit a side chick use a bicycle. But just make sure you very closely examine your Schwinn for a hidden Apple air tag.

  2. I've never cheated once in my life and am not condoning it, but this bitch outta stay in her lane. She has no idea of the back story or who she's gonna hurt.

    1. Women do not care. What they "feel" is what is "true" to them. They LOVE being a crusader, it feeds their ego and moves them along as the "main character" in her life. If Roni had a man, would she be driving Uber? There is an actionable tort here, invasion of privacy. (PSA - NOT an attorney, NOT legal advice).

      Under Texas law (where this apparently happened), invasion of privacy is a willful tort that includes three distinct causes of action:
      1. Intrusion on seclusion
      2. Public disclosure of private facts
      3. Appropriation of name or likeness
      Texas recognizes a common law right to privacy. If a breach of this right occurs, a person can take action in court and possibly sue for compensatory or punitive damages. Any one of those three claims could be used to obtain monetary relief or an injunction against the defendant.

      So, is Roni right? Apparently not. As crappy of a situation as that was, people need to stay out of the business of other adults. She probably has opened herself up to legal liability (in my opinion).
      Is America a better place overall if every person felt compelled to play Stasi agent for free? No, it is not. A country full of malignant busybodies is no way to live.

    2. That is exactly why they should repeal the 19th.

  3. I say, good for her. She has morals and she is at least willing to do something about it. She took action based on her values. Plus if dude wasn’t doing something wrong, he has nothing to worry about.

    1. Roni the driver's "morals" are the same as that of a Hitlur Jugend member blowing his whistle after finding Anne Frank. Same energy. Not a good look.

  4. Must not have gotten a decent tip..?

  5. I ain't buying it. I despise the idea of cheating on a spouse as much as she does, but think she is making this shit up. I have never used Uber or Lyft, but I would guarantee you that I, as a passenger, would have the same right to end the ride as the driver. I sure as hell wouldn't passively ride back to my house and be made to get out there, I'd demand the bitch pull over and let me the fuck out and arrange other transportation.

  6. Women are whores and they'll always make excuses for being gap legged, mattress backed whores.....

    1. Not all. Some. Perhaps too many. But not all. There are good women out there. Possibly the majority of them. And I say this as a divorced man whose wife had an affair. I have plenty of friends who have good women.

  7. I love female hypocrisy- they love exposing a cheating man as an act of social justice and solidarity to the sisterhood. But they would go to the ends of the earth to protect a female friend who is cheating on her oblivious husband.

  8. None of her damn business. Point A to point B is all she needs to know about me. Besides, the wife would find out eventually. Now's she's risking retaliation.


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