
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The "Dirty Little Secret" of America’s Current Government

Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, made a significant comment during the recent 4th primary debate. He exposed what he called the "dirty little secret" of America’s government by stating,"The people who we elect to run the government are not the ones who are even actually running the government."

If he’s right, then who does run our government?


  1. All politicians are the puppets of the globalist billionaires who pull the strings. Government bureaucrats are the willing enforcer bitches for the politicians. Us peasants only got 2 options. Obey and cooperate or perish. It's that fucking simple.

    1. why don't you just eat shit and die because of your defeatist attitude. i'm ready to fight for my progeny!

    2. I don't think bunny was saying what you think he did.
      He's saying "That's the only 2 options the elites are considering"
      If I understand him correctly

  2. As the article claims, it's the bureaucrats who run the government. Political appointees, no matter how important, are only the tip of the iceberg. The vast majority, who are overwhelmingly leftist, were hired because they were reliable foot soldiers. Why else do you think FBI looks among latin mass Catholics for terrorists, and doesn't see anything wrong with it? Why else is questioning covid or climate change or election fraud "mis- and disinformation"?

    That's why Lois Lerner didn't have to tell anyone to clamp down on Tea Party groups -- everyone was already on the same page, ready, willing and able to do their bit for the DNC.

  3. Let's just quit the corporation and be done with it. Start paying directly to locally trusted entities to maintain our roads and other essentials. Fuck em... they'll go away if there is no money in it.

  4. Why do people constantly give Obama (Soetoro) credit for anything? At best, he's a dweeb who sounds like a valleygirl off-teleprompter, and writes at a 7th to 8th grade level of comprehension.

    Whenever I read indirect praise of Obama like this blather, my allergy to propaganda kicks in.

    1. Because it’s more comforting thinking Barry is a Magic Negro rather than realize we were duped again.

  5. This isn't just a problem on the federal level. The tiny little town of Cedaredge, CO (Gateway to grand mesa!) did that crap too. They have an elected mayor and town council, but also hired a "town manager" to actually do the work.

    She'd been working there for more than twenty years, through multiple mayors. She... screwed things up. Badly. And (after much *drama*) got fired. And then came back a year later expecting to get hired again. Fortunately, the new town council had more sense than that.

    But the thing is? The things that got the previous mayors tossed out of office? Yeah, that was her. And she stayed even through the election. It took a really major screwup before she was finally fired.

    It's the same way with the feds, but an even longer accountability cycle. The federal government has gotten so corrupt and evil that there's finally a chance for some actual change. Maybe we'll see some heads roll among the bureaucracy soon? It's possible. Maybe. I'm not holding my breath, but I do have some hope at this point.

    John G

  6. Obviously we need to go back to the patronage or spoils system for government jobs.
    Yes, a lot of incompetent clowns will be appointed, but allowing party hacks to burrow their way inside and control the Federal Government isn't working either.
    At least the current ruling party could be held responsible for the shenanigans of their appointees.

    1. The patronage system is directly appointing party hacks - and their incompetent relatives that no business will hire - to the government jobs. But the unCivil Service has become so bad that this would be an improvement!

      At least the spoils hires would have a temporary job, not a lifelong career to learn to work the system. Voters could fire them by voting out those who appointed them. And both those doing the appointing, and any appointees with an IQ above a warm day, would know that the only way to keep their jobs is to make the government work for the voters.


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