
Friday, December 08, 2023

Meanwhile in the shithole I came from.....

MODESTO, Calif. — Modesto police believe a shooting and two injured people who were inside a vehicle that crashed into a building are connected. 

A spokesperson for the police department said the crash was at 7th and H streets in downtown. Two people found inside the vehicle were transported to the hospital for wounds consistent with a stabbing and gunshots.


Gee, I wonder what tipped them off?


  1. Couple of Amish miscreant kids on vacation were caught using a motor vehicle by the Amish police. I think the Modesto cops should be looking for a black horse drawn Buggy with an orange triangle on the back if they want to find the perps.

    1. Crime in that part of California equals Metsicans

    2. What's "clip clop, bang bang, clip clop"? An Amish drive by shooting.

  2. Meanwhile, I'm over here awaiting news from River City, city of action.

    I reckon by next month that freezing Tule fog will embrace the bottpm land.
    Brrrr ... just thinking about it ....

    1. Riverbank, City of Action.
      It doesn't get as foggy as it used too, after they paved over all the farmland.


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