
Friday, December 08, 2023

Why Do Intellectuals Love Socialism? Thomas Sowell

Some of the biggest proponents of socialism in general, and the Welfare State in particular, are the 'Intellectuals' who occupy the universities and the media. Often themselves being quite well off, their support for the welfare state is presented under the guise of 'compassion'.

Thomas Sowell explores the real reasons behind the facade of 'compassion' and discusses how reality is not what it seems at the surface. 
VIDEO HERE  (9:40 minutes)


  1. #1 - Intellectuals think they will be part of the Inner Party and exempt from the restrictions on the proles.

    #2 - In their world there are no physical or directly personal consequences for a bad theory or prediction, so any errors aren't important. Is far worse for them to back the losing political group (back the wrong candidate for Dean or Department Head).

    1. In Fools, Frauds and Firebrands (2015), Roger Scruton reminds us that “intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society in the belief they will be in charge of it”

  2. "They" love socialism for the same reason as everyone else. Fear of work, and a little bit of "I'm better than you".

    The people who support socialism bring nothing tangible to the table, and tend to live off the largesse of others. Do we really need another long winded intellectual article to state the obvious?

  3. Intellectuals: "We are better than them so we tell them how to live their lives".

  4. This is the Man the Ghetto should emulate.
    Instead it “chooses” to emulate Rabid animals, Trash Piles and all that is Evil.

  5. Because what is tried and true is so mundane. So its on and up to something new to establish intalectshul credability.

    In college I spoke to the humanities professors in a manner which wouldn't fly with my science and math professors. The former would get giddy but I was simply parroting bullshit. My Pysch professor esteemed me as a model student because I wove Kant and Nietzsche into my speech. (purposefully ignoring Frued lured him to provide me more fodder.) Yes, it was fun. The whole thing was a joke, the peofessor, the subject, all of it. But I needed the grade.
    The funniest part was he strutted like he's mentoring a true believer.

  6. I love that you posted this Ken. For those that don't know, Thomas Sowell is one of the great thinkers of our time. Everybody should watch more - and read more - of his stuff.

  7. Honestly, using the word intellectuals in this sense would mean only those with an indoctrination-education. Any real intellectual would know before making critical decisions, they would complete some meaningful research into their choices. People in the trades normally display more modern intellectual capacity these days, with many of them armed with higher quality information regardless of the subject. Perhaps it has more to do with they have lived in an environment where poor choices result in costly results.

  8. Hubris, lack of a moral compass and principles allow the arrogant to do what they will without fear. The decent are trained to be well behaved and law abiding "livestock." The morally rebellious are who creates the needed equilibrium. May take a while, but...

  9. Sowell said he was a socialist until he went to Grad school in economics at U. Of Chicago. They wanted facts and numbers in any argument, and that cured him of socialism. Wonder if they are still that way.

  10. People who see themselves as being highly educated but are completely ignorant about how stuff works in the real world. As for compassion, yes well it's very easy to be compassionate with other people's money.

  11. They love socialism because they mostly produce nothing of any value and the smug condescending pricks think we owe them for it.


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