
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Pew Research: Many Teens Use Social Media ‘Almost Constantly’

A new study from Pew Research Center reveals that 1 in 5 American teenagers are on social media websites “almost constantly.” 

As reported by Axios, the Pew survey, an online poll with a sample size of 1,453 kids in the 13-17 age range, recorded a significant rise in social media use among that particular age group compared to a previous survey in 2014 and 2015.


  1. The survey is correct. This social media crap is as addictive as heroin to many segments of society not just for the little brats. All ya gotta do is look around. Some think it's good to be able to show people and demean them through words that imply you’re better than them Personally I think it's gonna destroy Western culture. I saw something recently that illustrates the mentality of these people "If you can’t afford a $100,000 vehicle to show people, you’re better than them, then destroy them on Social Media".

  2. Not just the teens, women can't let go of their phones either. Fakebook all day.

  3. In the VA yesterday a Vet my age started playing loud music on his phone in a waiting room. I asked him nice to shut it off. After he called me an asshole and threw in a couple fuck you's. I got in front of him and said stand up mother fucker or shut it off. More to the story but he shut if off. I'd a fucked him up. Fat fuck with a big beard playin biker wanna be. I sat down and thought of my wife thinking, Lee, ya can't let me out in public alone.

  4. I'd love to know how much money they spent for that 'study'. I could've told them the same thing for a cool million.


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