
Monday, December 04, 2023

Russia bans ‘LGBT movement’

The Supreme Court of Russia outlawed the “international LGBT public movement” on Thursday, designating it as extremist. The ruling also affects its subsidiaries, the court announced, without naming specific organizations.

The lawsuit, filed earlier this month by the Russian Justice Ministry, argued that “the LGBT movement’s” activities qualified it as an “extremist group.” Specifically, it has been sowing “social and religious discord” in the country, the ministry claimed.


  1. Good for Russia. When gay marriage was being debated, my mother was one that argued that if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile. Even the most frothing at the mouth anti-gay extremists undersold how far the gays have gone in advancing the gay agenda.

    The little town near me in the south is having a "Genderbread" party for 2 to 11 year olds. California will take your children away if you don't buy into "gender affirming" mutilation. Other than Bill Maher, I don't think I've heard any leftist coming out and state "we've gone too far."

    Good for Russia for blocking that insanity.

  2. I think the Ruskis got the idea from Saudi Arabia and some other Middle Eastern countries. Now we'll see if Putin is really serious and the off the roof gravity challenge treatment will follow.

    1. Here is a very interesting statement: "Islam treats Homosexuals right." Also, try saying "Islam treats women right." This is how you liven up a conversation. عليه السلام

  3. Russia leading the way to a civil and decent society again. While there are a few other countries I would opt to live in before Russia, it's not too shabby if you like unbelievably expansive countryside, hunting, solitude, and beautiful biological women.

    The LGBT mob has grievously overstepped its bounds and is an excellent example of what happens when a society tolerates a little bad behavior; the wound festers and rots. Unfortunately, furries & co are being hammered too because the LGBT mob infiltrates absolutely EVERYTHING. These flamingo-hair extremists are even infiltrating churches and sowing their chaos. The mob abuses the openness / acceptance of other communities and brings guilt by association. This loud minority is going to screw over Russian furs, despite the majority of furs minding their own business.

    I forget who said this but promiscuous sexual ideologies are more destructive than nuclear bombs.

    - Arc / a furry.

    1. "While there are a few other countries I would opt to live in before Russia, it's not too shabby if you......"

      ......don't mind living under an authoritarian government with ZERO human rights.

    2. As opposed to living in this country where perversion is celebrated, and the current regime isn't authoritarian. Right? Sounds like you've bought the party line, hook and sinker.

    3. Sorry, but at least in this country I have the right to remain silent, the right to bail, the right to an attorney, the right to keep and bear arms and the right to speak freely against the government.
      The US has its faults, but it's still better than Russia as far as rights are concerned.

    4. @Anonymous December 4, 2023 at 2:15 PM

      How can you lie so loudly? With that yuge girlbenis down your throat?

    5. Anon@2:36: What's keeping you from moving to Russia?

    6. Wow, I had no idea there were so many communist sympathizers here. Even one is too fucking many.

    7. With all due respect Wirecutter, I don't think they are communist sympathizers (key word "think"). I have a friend, down home southern dude, Christian, conservative, and a hell of a solid guy. Moved his family lock stock and barrel to Russia last year, after some years of research. He tells me while there is still a commie party branch they have little to no power. Part of the draw for him being there was that they worked to preserve, protect, and lift up their own their own culture, it is a predominantly Christian country, and he felt he stood a chance of giving his children a non woke place to live and get a meaningful education. Me? No way I would take that leap, but to each his own. Have spent some hours talking with him about life there and it has been an education. My view of life there was based on what I have been told much of my life, and as with many things the other side of the coin indicates some differences. No commie endorsement here, just sharing an interesting situation.

    8. Supposedly* Russia isn't communist anymore. Still an authoritarian country, and not one where I'd choose to live currently. It looked like it was going to join the 21st century a few years ago, but has tossed that idea down the toilet.
      (*supposedly being that I only have what's on and similar websites to verify that, me not actually being in Russia.)

    9. I wouldn't take that leap either. Hell, I moved out of California because of their draconian gun laws, no way would I move to a country that has clearly demonstrated in the past on why our 2nd Amendment is so important to us.
      Thanks. I liked your reply much better than anon at 2:15's eloquent comment.

    10. Dude, check the year. This ain't the Russia we grew up with -- they haven't been communist for literally decades.

    11. Excuse me, I got communism and authoritarian dictatorship mixed up. My bad.

    12. A'ight, that made me laugh. Appreciate the chuckle.

    13. Yeah, because we're totally free here. Nope, no ATF ready to arrest you for something that was legal ten seconds ago until they decided it wasn't. No IRS with 87K newly armed agents for... well, we know what purpose. No FBI ready to frame you and have a Soros DA stuff you into prison without trial for years.

      I believe it was Governor Jesse Ventura who coined the phrase "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stuff."

    14. One source says that over 400 people were arrested in Russia for what they said on social media. Same source says over 3300 people in the UK were arrested for what they said on social media. The US has jailed a man for 18 months for making memes against Hillary. I guess at this point it's all relative how authoritarian the government is. Then again, freedom was a very short experiment in terms of history. Most all of human history has been Kings and Slaves.

    15. “Sorry, but at least in this country I have the right to remain silent, the right to bail, the right to an attorney, the right to keep and bear arms and the right to speak freely against the government.”


      No really, that was funny. Also sad.
      So many people are completely oblivious to how much has changed in the United States in the last decade.

    16. Anon@9:28: You've ridiculed my statement, now show your work with facts and specific examples.

    17. No, don't. I'm tired of the arguments and bullshit in this thread. Comments are now closed.

  4. Good on Russia.
    I’m sick of the degeneracy, perversion, the excuses for the pedophiles(especially Joe Biden) , the gender pretender codified in law as a box, the Anarchy, the chaos and Insanity.

  5. I was reading an article written by a guy who emigrated to Russia. About 40 miles north of Moscow. He is a priest in one of the local Orthodox churches. Has a wife, handful of kids, a 1700 sq. foot house, a 2 car garage, teaches English on the Internet, as what he makes as the priest doesn't cut it. A greenhouse to grow his own veggies. I think he said the RE tax is like $50 a year. Gas is reasonable, food prices are reasonable, and it's not like the days of lines for toilet paper and bread. If it wasn't for 40 below winters, doesn't sound horrible.

    1. Grumpy - Had a bunch of fellows I worked with in the patch that ended up moving there and taking their families with them. One fellow said if you can get past how the Russian language works (it is very direct, so there is no sugar-coating anything,) it is far better than anything Canada currently offers. They said the only downside was the winters are just as shitty - and I am currently trying to figure out how to move south of the 49th because my bones are killing me in a Saskatchewan winter (and interestingly, it is colder here on average than in Moscow.)

    2. The big problem, though is that we are not Russians. We can’t solve everything just by moving away from it.

  6. Well, bless their hearts.
