
Friday, December 08, 2023

The Attack on Pearl Harbor (What Many DON'T See)

December 7, 1941 is a date that will forever be etched in stone in America's history. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor not only changed the course of World War II, but changed the course of history. In this episode, we're making our first pilgrimage to a site that is highly visited by people around the world. There are some things that will be familiar and a few that many people don't see when they visit Pearl Harbor.

VIDEO HERE  (30 minutes)


  1. It's a heavy place to visit. At least for a proud American it is. Something just grabs ahold of you when you are there.

    1. Yeah it is quite an experience. Every time I go, I get something in my eye.

  2. My uncle was there that day. He never spoke of his time in the service. Many years later, his wife, my aunt ansered a knock at their front door. A woman identified herself saying shewas doing research on the events at Pearl Harbor, and asked if she could speak with my uncle. That is how we found out he was there and a "hero". He didn't want to talk about it.

  3. Replies
    1. While that may be the case, consider the role FDR and his minions had in creating the situation. It is standard political procedure. Remember the Maine. Gulf of Tonkin. Google "Operation NORTHWOODS" if you want to see what they are capable of. Yes, it is a real thing. No, your world will not be the same after you read it.

    2. Anon 1:08, you seem to be implying that FDR knew about the planned attack and allowed it to occur in order to get America on board with going to war. I used to discount such a thing as impossible, but there is one piece of compelling (circumstantial) evidence in its favor -

      They didn't get any of the carriers. Remarkably all four were out of Pearl. Coincidence? Who knows.

  4. While well done, I'm disappointed he didn't cover the attack on Ford Island which was part of the attack on Pearl. A number of sailors were killed there, along with at Kaneohe. I lost relatives on the Arizona, and have talked to survivors of both Ford Island and Kaneohe attacks.

    1. Like your picture Old NFO, recognized it right away. I was an EP-3E Radio Op and P-3C IFT. Thanks for your service Brother.
      —X-X-( )-X-X—

  5. An erstwhile friend was stationed on Ford Island as a mechanic for four years, passed by the USS Arizona Memorial as he rode the ferry every day to get to work, and never once actually went to it. I was flabbergasted when he told me about it.


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