
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

What the fu....

A woman from Fountain Valley has been charged with murder in the death of her 9-year-old daughter who was nonverbal and confined to a wheelchair, drowning her in a bathtub and leaving her body to decompose for several days, officials said.

Khadiyjah Aliyyah Pendergraph, 32, was arrested last Friday at a grocery store in Aliso Viejo, the same day the girl’s body was discovered.


  1. WTF? “Khadiyjah Aliyyah Pendergraph”. With a name like that I can't even guess the nationality let alone pronounce it, so I'll just call her "Alphabet".

    1. That's because In-a-gadda-da-vida was already taken.

    2. I’d call her “Eye Chart”

  2. Is it them again Yogi?

    1. Its always them, boo boo. Its always them.

  3. All the dumbass needed was a pillow, then she wouldn't go to jail.

  4. It's always them Boo-Boo.

  5. I checked numerous websites about this story and not a single one had a photo of the woman. One tv clip of the story included a night time scene of a street intersection which seemed to focus on a Stop sign. I found that very helpful. An image search on the name produced what I originally believed to be an accurate depiction, however it also included a photo of a pastey-white boy of obvious Caucasian heritage. Now I'm not so sure. The white boy looked like he could be guilty of something...

    1. I googled her name, then chose images and got a photo along with the caption of the article.

  6. Same day crime discivered, perp arrested. Miles away, while shopping in a different town. Probably because she was non-stop talking while browsing the aisles.

    It would be hilarious if a fed up shopper called the cops after overhearing her; 'Marmamot, I finally did it!'


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