
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Not the race I expected - must be that diversity bullshit they're pushing on us

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – The parents of a one-year-old are facing felony charges after police said the child was found near “copious” amounts of drugs in East Nashville. 

Justin Brumley, 32, and Regan Guffey, 27, were both arrested on Tuesday, Nov. 28 by the Metro Nashville Police Department behind a short-term rental in the 200 block of North Ninth Street.


  1. Justin's face makes me think he's a wannabe MS-13 gang member born in the wrong body. Maybe there's a transition doctor somewhere out there who can morph an Irish/Scotch body into a full-fledged Beaner.

    1. Yeah, I grew up with a bunch of Brumleys and Guffeys. Pure Scots-Irish hillbilly names. East Tennessee and Eastern Kentucky are full of ‘em, but the ones I knew were good folks.

  2. Hey - Felony Stupid is NOT limited to non-Whites.

  3. once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.
    Hunter S. Thompson, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
    I think they got a little carried away on the collection.

  4. Man, I'm glad I didn't know that guy. What a shopping list!

    All I'd want now at the age of 60 is some shrooms and maybe some coke (my favorite)... It's been 35 years, but man, I loved that shit!

  5. Was it like that weak ass mexican brick weed? They be allright...


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