
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Cheap thrills

CHICAGO — A man who claims to be a “refugee” was recently arrested after Chicago police officers allegedly saw him riding around on a Divvy bike and groping women as he passed by. The bizarre part of this story is what he previously pleaded guilty to doing in the suburbs.


  1. 2 years Second Chance Probation. I thought the “probation’ WAS the 2nd chance.

  2. He deserves a third chance probation.

  3. What he needs is a proper lesson regarding how to conduct himself in public when in the company of women. I suggest locking him in a room with the boyfriend, husband, father of the women he groped for 5 minutes, while the police officer(s) guarding him are away taking their union mandated coffee and donut break. I am sure he will have a change in attitude.

  4. Double secret probation!


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