
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. - A Florida teacher has found himself in hot water after he was arrested three times within a week amid an alleged string of "violent" crimes in Palm Beach County, including carrying a 10-inch knife, threatening bar patrons with a baton and harassing a woman he met online.


  1. Lotta stress in the classroom monkey farms these days so he's just working it off after hours.

  2. Gotta love proofreaders: During a search of his person, police found a 10-foot scimitar knife, which is a long knife with curved blade, according to the affidavit.

    1. Nobody uses proofreaders anymore, they all rely on spelchek. As long as the words are all spelled correctly, who gives a shit if the article makes any sense?

    2. I was hoping they had a picture of that 10 foot knife.

    3. Chances are they copied it off the police report. Cops are not always good at getting information correct on reports. Don't ask me how I know this, there's lots of cursing involved.


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