
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Assault on the 1st Amendment

When the founders created the Bill of Rights, they placed freedom of speech, religion, assembly and the press above all others. There was a reason; those who had come to the colonies had fled persecution where none of these rights existed. People still come to this country even today for those same freedoms, that do not even exist in the western democracies of Europe. You cannot deny the Holocaust without going to jail in Germany, Austria and other nations. You cannot say arbitrary things or challenge the legitimacy of the government in many nations with persecution and prosecution, but here we can. Or can we?
VIDEO HERE  (18:12 minutes)


  1. Sorry, they work from a false premise. The First 10 Amendments are not "ranked". James Madison wanted to incorporate them into the text of the Constitution. Roger Sherman wanted them listed and numbered at the end. Sherman won, but they are still listed in order by how they would have been incorporated into the Constitution's text. The original "1st" Amendment was not ratified. The original 2nd Amendment is now the 27th Amendment. The current 1st Amendment was 3rd on the list being considered. And so on.

  2. Speak o' which... anyone else getting cookie requests for American Partisan's site on DDG in the last few days? .gov tracker?


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