
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Be prepared

A woman miraculously survived for four nights after her truck plunged off a road and tumbled to the bottom of a canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains, authorities said.


Members of the San Dimas Mountain Rescue Team, a volunteer group formed to assist the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department in search and rescue operations, said the driver had enough supplies in her pickup to survive the frigid mountain temperatures for that long.  


  1. The part that caught my attention was the driver "swerved to avoid hitting a deer". My driver's ed teacher told us he never wanted to read in the paper that one of his students had swerved to avoid an animal. "Dogs and deer won't hurt you, but a tree will kill you." is how he put it.

    1. Now do moose, or other drivers that happen to be fully boosted...

    2. Ours said the same thing, and I do try to live by that rule, but sometimes instincts take over and the swerve mechanism goes into effect before I can think.

    3. In our family we'd say "Hit the deer" instead of "Drive safely".

  2. Sam thing happened up the road from me over Christmas. Dude ran off I-94 near Portage Indiana and spent Christmas trapped in his truck...found by fishermen after like 5 days.
    He's lucky that it was a fairly warm winter up to that point.

    1. I heard he lost a leg, but in a TV interview afterwards he laughed it off.

  3. My rule of thumb on the motorcycle is that I don't dangerously swerve to miss anything that I can't eat in one sitting.

    1. A porcupine proved to me that motorcycles hate those prickly little things.

      Evil Franklin

  4. No doubt the newspapers painted her as a evil hoarder who had selfishly set aside provisions offered r her saftt the deprived people of colot and lgbtqam&fm.


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