
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The thug life chose me

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis police arrested a 14-year-old after he allegedly committed multiple carjackings and armed robberies. 

The teen is charged with eight counts of carjacking, ten counts of employment of a firearm during the commission of a dangerous felony, one count of attempted carjacking, 11 counts of aggravated robbery, seven counts of aggravated assault, five counts of attempted aggravated robbery, two counts of evading arrest in a vehicle, one count of theft of property $10,000-$60,000, and three counts of curfew violation.


  1. Three counts of curfew violation. They're going to throw the book at him for that.

    1. I wouldn't bet on that.

    2. Fifty cents says all the charges get plea-bargained down to curfew violations. All you people that got carjacked robbed, etc., well that's just how the justice system works anymore.

  2. Well, some kids are motivated and strive to become highly skilled at a young age, becoming pilots, starting successful businesses, graduating college, all while in their early teens.

    Why should the scum of the earth be any different? He simply chose to excel along a different path.

    Just kidding, society needs to push these punks down a flight of stairs, handcuffed.

  3. Just shot the little bastard and be done with it!

  4. So what I'm seeing in this is 'curfew' is about as effective as gun control when it comes to someone wanting to commit other crimes? Who'd have thought. Oh wait, anyone with the ability to think logically.

  5. Tune in for the 5pm local news TV interview with the grandmother saying what a good boy he is

    1. Yeah, yeah, he was an aspiring rapper that was turning his life around! He was planning to go to college. He was a very good boy, his smile lit up the room!

      Ben Crump will use these lines in his race baiting press conference while the teens family weeps in the background after the cops wind up killing this POS in self-defense.

  6. Is it them Yogi...

  7. Stay away from spider heads, of any age.

  8. Think what this kid could accomplish if he put that energy into something good? Whats lacking here is leadership. Thats called a Father. My vote is to gas the little bastard, any siblings, and the mother, gas them all. End the line. And if the sperm donor is known, toss him in the gas chamber too. If that seems to harsh to some here, then at least cut off his dominant hand, and brand him on his forehead.

  9. And just when he was turning his life around, too

  10. They'll go easy on the little nappy haired pickaninny thanks to the George Floyd affect

  11. Name one such that's ever been reformed. No? Then we know what to do.
    Steve S6

  12. A young scholar, he never did anything wrong, and this will hurt his chances getting into medical school.

  13. They can't send him to jail, he has five kids to support. Two of them with his Aunt.

  14. In "the bad old days (late 60's)" as a police officer in Oakland, Ca. it was not unusual to deal with juveniles with two page rap sheets.

  15. Aaaaand he's released on no bond.

  16. Break both of the little shit's kneecaps and execute the parent(s)....... wherever they are.


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