
Wednesday, January 17, 2024


In Middle Tennessee, a Wind Chill Advisory is in place related to the frigid cold temperatures that have been blasting the region.

Much of the U.S. was even colder than Antarctica on Monday. With temperatures at two of its three stations between 30°F and 36°F, places like Nashville, Murfreesboro and Clarksville were way colder, temperatures were 13°F, 14°F, and 9°F, respectively.

When you factor in the wind chill, parts of Tennessee saw “feel-like” temperatures that were as low as -6°F in some areas Tuesday morning.


It was -5 degrees when I checked the temps at a few minutes ago with about 8 inches of snow on the ground, and the road in front of my house is pretty much frozen with packed snow. We haven't seen hardly any wind, though.
I did make it into town yesterday to pick up Lisa's desperately needed meds, but it was at a top speed of 20 mph in my 2wd truck, slipping and sliding the whole way there and back. The saving grace was all the snow we got was powder which is a lot easier to drive in than that wet sloppy shit that turns into ice as soon as it hits the ground.
Town roads were actually worse with all the slush from traffic causing patches of ice at damned near every intersection, and I saw a couple of spinouts right there on Hwy 52, the main road through town.

As long as I was in town, I stopped off at Walmart to pick up a few things, but I parked way the fuck away from the store because they never salted or plowed the parking lot and it was like an adult versions of bumper cars there.
Once I got into the store, there were no carts because they were all outside with their wheels frozen. Not that big of a deal for me because I could easily carry everything, but I saw more than a couple families that were loaded down, kids included, with groceries in their arms.
Given the fact that trucks aren't able to deliver, the store wasn't as empty as I thought it would be. The main thing they were short on was dairy items.

And we're expecting more snow tomorrow evening.....


  1. Must be that pesky Global Warming...

  2. 4° currently in East Tennessee. We got about 4 in of snow the last couple days but the sun is out today how I supposed to get to 28.
    I know locally they're saying this is the coldest it's been in over 10 years here.

  3. 19 here at 7 am today, no wind today but everything is wet due to the rain Monday night/early Tuesday morning

  4. Just a light dusting of powder over past several days here in Black Hills, but Sunday morning at my house we woke up to —26°F. That was outside air temperature, *not* windchill. Previous snow on ground isn’t going anywhere. 40sF predicted by this weekend, though. Stay warm & safe, Ken.

  5. My wife's sister and husband live, well, the address is Franklin but actually near Leiper's Fork. Do'n't guess Leiper's Fork has a zip code. The report there was similar to yours, 8" plus drifts and really cold lately. They live on top of a hill out there, really exposed but they were prepared though the sister says she's not sure the woodpile is going to last the winter if this keeps up. Here in sort of Northeast Georgia we had 16 degrees last night. Yesterday's threatened wintry mix didn't happen. The dog don't care.

  6. NE of the ATL….
    15….no snow….no ice….frost this morning….
    Walmart yesterday most shelves were bare.

  7. It was a toasty 9F in my Western NC area. No snow however. Christmas eve 2022 was 0 degrees so today was just a little nippy.

  8. In my part of West Virginia it's just mother fuckin' cold. Damned if i'm going out

  9. Its only -25C today warmed up from the -47C we had saturday. Luckily we had not a lot of wind; unluckily we had emergency alerts about insufficient grid power.


  10. Here in western West Virginia it's 5 degrees with about 6 inches on the ground. The old lady drove off to Florida yesterday, as her mother isn't fairing very well. I stayed here to take care of the animals. She took our 4 wheel drive pick-up and left me with my front wheel drive Escape. There hasn't been a snow plow within 5 miles of my house this year and the folks around here say they never plow our hollow. Ran out of smokes, so I decided to test the little cars' capabilities. It did just fine, as I kind of figured it would. The roads are an icy mess. Crossed the bridge into Kentucky, and they aren't doing any better than we are as far as plowing. Now one of my smoke detectors is chirping, so it's a treasure hunt for a nine volt. If I have to go out again, it will be in my Mule, as everyone on facebook is saying the roads are getting worse instead of better. That'll be fun, as I didn't have the money to get one with and enclosed cab and a heater. Believe it or not, I'm kind of enjoying this! Eod1st Ret

  11. My wife and daughter both had jobs as cashiers/stockers in supermarkets. Come the big storm forecast, it's always bread, milk, eggs . . . and toilet paper.

  12. This is why I moved from the NC Mtns. to the SC Lowciountry. But, it's a chilly 35 right now.

  13. Check the sensor map at

  14. A load of wood in the back and a set of chains will get you anywhere in a 2wd as long as you don't high center.


  15. Just got up to go to work. It's 5AM and about 20C. I feel for you northern hemisphere types.

  16. Well, lemme tell ya, here on the central east coast of Florida, it's 60 degrees, with the wind chill it feels like 55 and my toes are cold DAMMIT!

    1. I know, actually had to put a jacket on over my t-shirt. Still wore cargo shorts and sandals, though. North Central Florida...

    2. Same here in St. Pete. I had to put a light jacket on this morning!

  17. Very cold here but went for a walk in the woods anyway. Recovering from L2-L5 fusion on 27 Dec. Doing great and not letting cold and some snow stop me. One week after surgery I was out loading my wood boiler. Glad you got the meds!! Press on!

  18. Today is the first day in a week where we have had the thermometer get above 0F.
    What with the wind chill in the negative 20's and 40's, it's been downright cold.

  19. Welcome to your Day Tour of Hell, my friends.

    Just warmed up this morning to -15F here in Saskatchewan. That means no hat, touque or scarf now - running shoes are fine for everything save long walks.
    Remember, at -25F, the foam in your vehicle seat DOES NOT COMPRESS! Power steering does not exist for the first ten minutes of driving. At -30F, the snow that blew all over the place, has filled the HVAC system in your vehicle, so the instant you turn on the defroster, the snow is blown all over the inside of the vehicle and up against the windshield.... where for some reason, it thaws and then freezes into ice on the INSIDE OF THE GD WINDSHIELD. And foreigners wonder why Canadians use the word FUCK like it's a comma.

  20. It's in the high 60s into the 70s here in sunny Arizona. Riding weather every day. Of course, now we have to put up with all the snowbirds

  21. Single digits for days here in Kansas. Worst part is my rooster has frostbite on his wattle. Wild Bill

  22. East Tennessee: -1F over night, 6 to 10 inches of snow, more on the mountains. Oak Ridge doesn't seem to have any city plows. State routes 95 and 62 were cleared yesterday. Neighborhood streets not touched. Traffic and sunshine seem to be the main clearing agents. Used my Husky snowblower to clear my driveway and those of 2 neighbors. Parking lots seem to be cleared at management's discretion and private contracts.

  23. I knew there was a reason I moved to the Alaska banana belt, 27 degrees here now, nice and warm.

  24. Yesterday, my thermometer showed -10F and the weather station up the hollow showed -13F. Today, the reported low was 3.4F. I believe it, the chickens' water was frozen solid. Today, it is supposed to get all the way up to freezing temp (actually, 33F) and then two more days of brutal cold. The cats don't even want to stay out for more than a few minutes. I have been feeding the hens more corn to up their carbohydrate count while using meal worms to boost the available protein. Coldest weather in the dozen years I have been in north central TN. We have not even tried to get out and will not until mid next week, when the warm weather and rain will make all of this disappear.

  25. Couple bags of sand or gravel, wrapped in plastic trash bags, placed over your rear wheels, will help that traction problem immensely.


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