
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Why we need to revive medieval methods of execution

HOUSTON - A former Galleria employee was arrested and charged for recording the sexual assault of two toddlers involving at least six other men. 

Arthur Hector Fernandez III, 29, is charged with the sexual exploitation of children after the FBI said videos were found on a forum on the dark web by the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) and provided to them.


  1. Convictions should include "hand the perp to the father of the child", but then there is a risk that the father is a lefty and will say "I am so sorry, here is the kid if you really feel you are entitled to it". 😡😡😡😡😡

  2. Execution after torture.

  3. Long. slow methods...and PUBLIC.

    Then the heads need to be on pikes for the crows to clean and left there as a reminder to others.

  4. put the gentleman into general pop of any prison

  5. I suggest a nail studded Louisville slugger up the ass till it appears in the back of his throat.

  6. How about a truly old school form of punishment. Flaying, as in the sentence handed down to Persian judge Sisamnes back about 500 bc or thereabouts.
    Why be nice about it??

    TMF Bert

    1. Or the Catherine's Wheel. Take a wagon wheel and mount it on a long shaft. Break the arms and legs of the perp and interweave them in the spokes. Mount the shaft almost but not quite vertically.

      As the wind blows, the wagon wheel will move back and forth, back and forth, or if a strong wind, may even rotate fully. While all the broken bones grind on their broken ends...

      Or a classic stake up the bum. And then vertical. Give them a foot rest to stand on. Wait and have fun for 3-4 days...

  7. Breaking on the wheel or an red hot iron in the ass is a good start for these monsters.

    Chutes Magoo

  8. In my country the police don't always make an arrest when a child is murdered by family as the family circle the wagons to protect the perp. We have our own version of special people on welfare and drugs that are the usual suspects.

  9. You know those box compactors they have behind the grocery store?
    That'd work.

  10. Crucifixtion. Bend the legs up under them to take the weight off their arms. Used to last 3-5 days.

  11. I am still a YUGE fan of Vlad Dracu's work. He made a forest.

  12. Whatever the punishment, it needs to be public.

  13. Just how anyone could do something like this to a child is beyond me. I've heard it said that pedophiles cannot be reformed, but the veracity of that statement doesn't bother me. I suggest a fair trial and death by firing squad. Volunteers for the squad must provide their own rifle, and, optionally, ammunition. The State will cover the cost of ammo if the volunteer is financially embarrassed.

    Mad Jack

  14. They didn't have woodchippers in the dark ages, but if they did, they probably would have used them on criminals.

  15. Shotgun to the face.
    I'm not into torture.
    Eliminate the cancer.
    If you prolong bad shit to people it will affect you too, in not good ways.

    1. Second that, OTTH and done. Like a rabid dog.

  16. Heck, don't forget the Scolds Bridal! Look it up for Great visuals.

  17. There's a reason Western hangings were public. NOTHING works as a deterrent better than seeing exactly how you're gonna go out. Bring your kids, let em learn early, great investment. And remember, if the crime was one along these lines, the Sheriff, Marshall or whomever could get summoned to a ranch a day's ride away. He's likely to return to an EMPTY JAIL.

  18. If his name was Biden, he'd have secret service protection. FYI, the secret service has a FB page, and they haven't started blocking comments yet.

  19. Push 'em off a single-story building onto concrete as many times as it takes. Maybe give 'em a chance at a public apology between each go.

  20. I do not get it, You have the Cuban judío and Merick Garland (Garfinkle) pulling strings to import these perverts, then you have the same federale agencias pretending to care when they commit these heinous crimes. America makes me sick.

  21. Hanged, drawn, and quartered, always public, had its own special gruesomeness.
    Hanged by the neck until not quite dead. Revived.
    Disemboweled and emasculated while alive with their entrails being burned in front of them.
    Head mounted on a stake for locals to admire.
    One quarter of the body being sent to and displayed in other parts of the country as a warning to others contemplating similar crimes.
    Rinse and repeat, as needed.

    1. Those that do such things to children should get the same punishment the Bidens deserve. I was just going to suggest the end of "Braveheart" showed the proper method. You described it well.

  22. While these guys deserve the worst we can do to them, we need to be careful about what it does to us. Check out videos from people who perform executions. I've seen several from Indonesia. It takes a toll on the mind.
    If gruesome is what we want for them, recruit prisoners serving life sentences. Give them better food and treatment and have them do the executions.
    Not every case will be this obvious. There is a thing called SAID, sexual allegations in divorce. A hateful spouse will stoop to depths unimaginable to hurt their ex.
    There was a case I saw from back in the 70's. Guy was convicted of molesting his daughters aged 4 and 6. Fast forward 24 years. Older daughter received notice that her dad was up for parole. She was called to testify.
    Turns out her dad never touched her. Mom told her to say thing had happened to a therapist so she could move to California and go to Disneyland all the time. She didn't know her dad was charged or anything. Mom told her dad was mad they had moved.
    As I recall, it happened in New Mexico, dad was incarcerated in Florida. He was convinced to not appeal or they would leak the reason for his conviction.
    24 years in, model prisoner. Probably did more to help other inmates go straight than we can imagine.

  23. Handcuff them behind their backs and feed them, live, to hogs. Then post that on the dark Web for all the other pedos to watch.

  24. after learning as a youngster what it meant, years ago, I've always been a fan of keelhauling. I guess we'd have to use underwater cameras to watch, but it seems much more efficient than waterboarding...
    of course, it's not waterboarding if you use diesel... just, you know be careful around open flame and shit..


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