
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

California’s Free Medi-Cal to Cover Illegal Immigrants amid Healthcare Shortage

Beginning January 1, illegal immigrants will be able to qualify for and use Medi-Cal, California’s taxpayer-funded free and low-cost healthcare plan for low-income residents. Experts warn that the state is already facing a healthcare shortage as a new $25 healthcare minimum wage threatens to reduce staffing levels — and doctors who accept Medi-Cal’s low reimbursement rate — even further.


  1. Newsom is proving himself more and more the MORON...

    Folks, if you're thinking "Well, good for California," then think again. MediCal gets backfilled with FEDERAL (YOUR tax dollars) funds. Either sit back and enjoy paying for Newsom's ILLEGAL votes, or DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

  2. Gird yer loins folks. No matter what state you live in your federal taxes will be paying for the "free" medical cover. Newsom and his Progressie asshole buddies know the feds won't let the state goes financially toes up.

  3. We were watching the recent TV commercials for government health insurance. People sign up for $9/month, or some unbelievable amount. Do the rest of normal Americans catch that , while we pay hundreds and hundreds per month? Where is the outrage?!?!

  4. Wait a minute. Isn't it the Leftists, like the clowns running California, that complain about the big corporations like MacDonalds and Walmart unfairly benefitting by their employees receiving healthcare subsidized by the taxpayers?

    Am I missing something here?

  5. at the moment, the only salvation we have is TRUMP, no American that hasn't been bought and paid for has stoodup.

    1. As much as I would like to see him in the actual Oval Office, not some set like Xiden occupies, the Dems, RINOs, media and leftists will absolutely never allow that to happen. Just look at the various and wide-ranging efforts they are already doing.
      About half of the country believes the BS about him and are too concerned with getting their freebies.
      All of these groups are more than willing to literally burn this country down before they will let him be President. I am not sure what is next but he would not be the first President or President-elect to be permanetely eliminated.

  6. Calling it stupid or moronic is making excuses…oh, they do not know any better, poor dears. They know. It is intentional.

  7. "It;s an Emergency!" Whose emergency? Not mine. It's the assholes in DC and Obama. Why do WE have to pay for their room, board, health care, clothes etc. etc.. Enough.


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