
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

A heavily redacted list, I'm sure

A long-awaited list of 187 of Jeffrey Epstein's friends and associates will be released with the first names dropping today, the court which holds the papers has confirmed. 

The list of names is part of a settled lawsuit filed by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell. The case was settled in 2017, but Giuffre - and many others - have long called for the names to become public.


  1. Safe to assume Trump isn't on the list.

  2. I’m not holding my breath! If Trump was mentioned CNN would’ve already leaked it.
    Farm Wife

  3. Heavily redacted?? You can bet that the only ones listed will be Republicans. All the rest will be missing. Our "judicial" system only works one way.

  4. It's been "delayed" for a few weeks Wanna bet it'll wind up being like a unicorn, the loch ness monster or the abominable snowman. Forever drifting in the murky background but never in focus. The only name that'll get some attention will be Trump's.

  5. Clinton's been mentioned, but of course he denies ever going to pedo island and claims he cut contact with Epstein in 2005.

  6. It's almost 3 PM, East Coast Time. (Kenny you dropped the daily memes a bit early, huh?). Trump and 11-year-old Eric flew on the jet from Palm Beach County airport to NJ. That's it for the flight logs. And Trump threw Epstein out of Trump Tower (or maybe Mar-a-Lago?) after he started hitting on Ivanna according to reports. So yeah, Trumps name is gonna be on the flight logs. Lame stream media will make a big deal out of it to make other names (Clinton? Dershowitz? Schumer?) seem somehow not so bad. Or something. Anyway, the powers that be have had a long time to scrub the list, and scrub the client list too. And how about the video tapes of alleged blackmail stuff? If the eff bea eye has them, they will likely keep them and use them for the eeee ville purposes of the ones actually running things.

    1. Spot on. So who raided the New Mexico house, Pedo Island, and his European houses? The FBLie got the Manhattan abode.

  7. Who really cares? Doesn't matter which names are revealed - nothing will come of it. See Sam Bankman-Fried.

    1. Yep, forgotten in a few news cycles.

  8. Redacted? Try entirely faked. I'm sure they're only leaving their friends on when they've determined it's time for said friend to deploy the included golden parachute.

    Note that Elen Degeneres, whose prime-time talk show featured a replica of the "temple" on the island where sacrifices where "allegedly" made? Yeah, not on the list. *Drops mic*

    John G

    John G


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