
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Who’s on the Take?

Sometimes you have to ask yourself: Are our rulers fools, ignoramuses, or traitors? I can’t think of any other explanation for some of the things they do. 

The Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington thinktank, never asks that question directly.


  1. Surely the answer to your headline is, "our rulers". But they keep getting reelected. Since 39% of the people are on the dole we know where a good portion of their votes come from.

    Work to collapse the govt. The US Federal govt. is the source of most the problems, end it. Take all you can, sabotage, disrupt, and damage federal property where possible. Bottleneck the IRS with handwritten returns. Resend junk mail to yourself through the blue boxes. Deface your currency and govt. signage. Break things. These are all minor steps anyone can do.

  2. They are neither fools nor ignoramuses, though they do employ useful idiots.
    Sometimes, when you look at the staff list, you can’t help but notice how well-represented the 2% of the American population is within an organization. And then you wonder if acting in the 2%’s best tribal interest may be why that organization does what it does.
    Of course, we White Americans have been told our whole lives that race and ethnicity don’t matter, so we tend to immediately dismiss such notions, instead of realizing that to some people, their race absolutely comes before everyone and everything else.

  3. The "rulers" who know exactly what they're doing are sociopathic critical thinkers. It's the general public that consists of emotional reacting instant gratification addicts worried more about who's going to do the 1/2-time Super Bowl crap show than the millions of criminals coming across the southern border that's guaranteed to bring the country down.

  4. Qui? ... QUI???!!!

  5. What's funny about this is that every Friday and Saturday afternoon here in my little part of FL, when I go to the convenience store to get gas to start my day there is a line of people who obviously were not born here and speak no english, dropping $100 bills for a case of beer. They just got paid, cash, for their weeks work. Outside their families wait. The families are collecting gov $'s and the men are making bank working for cash, no taxes, under the table. We pay for their food, healthcare and education and they have a tax free cash flow, such a deal.

  6. Sometimes a traitor is just a f'kn traitor.


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