
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Will migrant buses flood Orange, Westchester counties due to new NYC executive order?

EW YORK - Now that New York City Mayor Eric Adams's executive order limiting migrant bus arrivals is in effect, suburban communities in upstate counties like Orange, Westchester and Rockland are bracing for the impact. 

County and suburban leaders are concerned that this order will lead to migrants being dropped off in their communities, so bus companies can avoid fines or even criminal charges.


  1. If HE can close city borders, Texas can close state borders.

  2. Awww gee whiz! You mean to tell me that all those virtuous, loving, caring communities that all looked down their noses at Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida while proclaiming themselves a "Sanctuary City" are now discovering something called Karma?? Are they finding out that their social services are being overwhelmed? Are their taxes gonna go WAY up to pay for their kind virtue that they bragged about? What could they POSSIBLY complain about? They're getting just what they SAID they wanted.

  3. Looks like Joisey Dems are starting to play the "Bounce the Beaner" game.

    The Democrat mayor of Edison, New Jersey, said he has ordered law enforcement to charter a bus to return migrants sent to his state back to the U.S.-Mexico border. AKS: Texas

    At least 13 buses from Texas and Louisiana have dropped off migrants in New Jersey, WABC-TV in New York reported Tuesday, with the migrants then taking buses and trains to New York. The buses arrived at train stations in Secaucus, Fanwood, Edison, and Trenton.


    1. This game is turning in our favor with every move they make. The idea that a mayor of any city, big or small, can issue an order to prevent the free movement of people is an absurdity. The same goes for criminal charges for transportation companies dropping them off. The SCOTUS should slap down these executive orders if a case should ever get that high. The brilliant escalatory idea of dropping them off in a suburb or nearby state will spread to pain to the wealthy bedroom communities where the liberal elite live. Some of these people have walked 1000 miles through jungle and desert to get to the border, Mayor Adams and the rest cannot inconvenience them enough to keep them out even if he gets every town between NYC and Texas to ban busses. They will walk to NYC from Texas is they want to.
      As this goes on and more arrive each day, the pressure mounts on the communist administrations. They cannot house them all, they cannot police them all, and this idea of busing them back to Texas as soon as they arrive in NY will only lead to some dead bus drivers and rampaging illegals. In California, handing out free healthcare to them just about ensures that the vast majority of them will opt to go to that state. The strain should ensure that California collapses sooner rather than later. Good. The sooner this locust invasion devolves into violent looting, rioting, and collapse, the better. The insulated liberal do-gooders need to pay the price and become an endangered species. The rest of us who already knew what was coming are were personally awakened will then be left to the task of driving them out.

  4. looking at things the way I usually do (bassackwards), I can see this as a means for Joe the Pedo to get 335 million votes in 2024, turning the red (and a lot of the purple counties) a very bright blue

    1. nah, the number will be higher. Population (official) of the USA + 15% is my guess

  5. Per some reports, Governor Abbott's latest tactic is to send aliens 'most' of the way to NY, then give them train tickets into the city.

  6. Busses hold, what, 60 people? If Pedro Jr. sits on papa's lap, that's a couple dozen Ubers, tops...

  7. Excellent! MORE illegals shipped deeper into the US! #OwNtHeLiBs!!1!1!!1!1

    1. The only other alternative was for the border states to continue to scream bloody murder about being overwhelmed and the federal govt ignoring them. Now that other states are being forced to deal with these invaders, the government and media are beginning to pay attention. I'd say the plan worked as intended.
      Look, you're acting like the illegals were going to cross and then stay in the border states and we all know that's not the case. There are illegals everywhere, in every state in the union.

    2. “the government and media are beginning to pay attention.” lmao
      What govt? Which media? They are one and the same and they don’t care.

    3. Or…the border states could be adults, say “Okay Feds, you won’t secure the border? We will.”
      Notice that the blue hives are not demanding that illegal immigration be stopped; they’re simply demanding that they stop sending them to their neighborhoods.

    4. Anon @ 8:02 - and we see how that is playing out with TX doing just that! The Feds are not only suing and challenging them at every step, but committing downright physical acts to undo the measures they put in place.

  8. This will end up in a shooting match somewhere very soon. The heritage whites are getting furious.

  9. And just in time for the first major snow storm of the season. Coming in Sat. nite into Sunday.


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