
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Commentary: The Elite One Percent Behind the Cultural Civil War

Scott Rasmussen has done America an enormous service. He and his team have identified the driving forces behind the destructive radicalism which is pushing us into a cultural civil war. 

While doing their two weekly national surveys, Rasmussen and his team noticed an anomaly. Out of every 1,000 or so respondents, there would always be three or four who were far more radical than everyone else. After several months of finding these unusual responses, Rasmussen realized they all shared three characteristics.


  1. Great read. Needs to be shared.

  2. Some other surprising statistics in this group:
    84 percent of them enjoyed having male genitalia in their mouths
    76 percent of them reported watching their significant other have intercourse with someone else
    92 percent of them had their lunch money taken away while in school

  3. ***"The elite 1 percent are surprisingly young. Sixty-seven percent are between 35 and 54 years old. They are 86 percent white. Almost half of them (47 percent) favor “Sanders-like policies.” They are overwhelmingly Democrats (73 percent)."***

    You can thank the Russian & Eastern European intellectuals/ academics who came here before, but mostly after WW-II then infiltrated the university system and kicked off their fuck America campaign in the 1960s. Now we have Commie brainwashing factories in about 75% of colleges and they've produced several generations of Progressives.

  4. They need to add the phrase "except for themselves" after each rule they want to impose on other people.

  5. Rasmussen is no longer affiliated with the polling firm he started and that still bears his name, Rasmussen Reports. Is it because he wanted to publish more results like this?

    1. Looks like it.

      "After his departure from Rasmussen Reports in 2013, Rasmussen announced the creation of Rasmussen Media Group to "develop and invest in digital media opportunities." Rasmussen Media Group said that the "new venture reflects a transition from Rasmussen's role as a scorekeeper in the nation's political dialogue to becoming a more active participant," especially in critiquing "crony capitalism and the unholy alliance between big government and big business."

  6. What -we- need are the zip codes mentioned where they found all these commie fuckers so's we know where to blockade and shut down when the time comes so as to starve 'em all.

    1. Maybe they could all get invited to camps where they could think long and hard about the situation? Maybe have a book club?

    2. Zip codes? Just surround any university town and large metroplex.

  7. 1%? Sounds much more like the 2%.

  8. All you useless eaters are contaminating the world for us, The Illuminated.

  9. If we exterminated the Elites, 99.9% of the world's problems would be gone by morning.

  10. the 1% favor all of the restrictions for the other 99 % they'll still be eating meat cooked on a gas range , and driving around in big SUVs and flying around on their private lear jets , while the rest of us starve to death in the cold

  11. they don't "control" shit. the sheep co-operate because they don't want the "elite" to call them mean names on social media.

  12. Freedom or slavery is the issue in every election for the rest of our lives.


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