
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

There's a sucker born every minute

A scam that began in Southern California toward the end of 2023 seems to have made its way to the northern part of the state, according to a Northern California sheriff’s office. 

The scam begins with someone pretending to be interested in purchasing a vehicle and contacting a seller, normally through either Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist, the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office said on social media.


A scam that began in Southern California toward the end of 2023? Not hardly, this has been around for years and years now. I can remember my dad telling me when I was selling a truck to not let anybody fuck with anything under the hood unless I was watching them, and that was back in the '80s.


  1. Various "families" have been banned from commercial vehicle auctions (ADESA) in mid-Michigan for pulling spark-plug wires. The families run a series of used car lots around Lansing (among other places).

  2. Take your vehicle to a dealer, order a PRE SALE inspection. The Earnhardt Toyota dealer in Az. charged $125. They applied the fee to a brake job.

  3. Back in the day when at least two guys rushed out of the gas station office to gas up, wash the windshield, check tire pressure and oil (yeah, I’m that old) a favorite ploy, especially if you had out if state plates, was to drip some oil by a tire after smearing some on the shock piston shaft. “Hey, I think you got a bad shock here. I just happen to have some that will fit”. You bet, pal. I’ll risk it.

    1. Do you remember the fan belt cutting pinkie ring?

    2. Or short stick the dipstick.

    3. Don't forget "short sticking" the oil levels and keeping a catsup packet to apply to an alternator ( your alternator is burned up, I just happen to have one ).

  4. A Sinclair dealer I once worked for told me that the factory rep from Gates Rubber demonstrated how to hold the knife and cut the belts when under a car hood at the pumps. When my boss told him that is not how to treat customers the reply was it sells fan belts.

  5. Craigs List? I never got scammed on Craigs list. Of all the babes I hooked up with there not one had defective parts.


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