
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Commentary: The Loss of the Sacred in American Culture

There’s a grim scene near the end of The Iliad in which the Greek hero Achilles, because of his rage and grief over the death of his comrade Patroclus at the hands of the Trojan prince Hector, slays Hector in battle and drags his corpse behind his chariot, day after day, desecrating the body in a manner unthinkable to the ancient Greeks. In fact, the affront to the dignity of this hero and prince, as well as the violation of the sacred customs of Greek society, eventually compels the gods to intervene. They tell Priam, the elderly king of Troy, to go to Achilles and plead for the body of Hector so that it may be properly honored and buried. The gods will not allow such a desecration to continue.


  1. Excellent point. In an era where nothing is off limits, Americans have lost their way. Turning from religious, or, perhaps, righteous thinking, to follow the bread and circuses, given to them by their soon to masters. And, I wonder about 'soon to be', as every facet of our lives seems to be monitored and directed.



    1. I've been saying the same thing as you have just excellently presented. Most Americans are either in denial or too stupid to see what's coming. The elites know how to give toys to the peasants to keep them occupied and how much created crises to keep people scared. It's not only working like a champ, but it will eventually succeed because the elites are critical thinking obsessed neurotic sociopaths and the peasants are instant gratification, emotionally reacting, Lotus eaters.

  2. We still have sacred deeds and heroes. Every Sunday thousands of men gather in great stadiums to worship them.

    And sacred land too. Anything that a "native" American shit on or looked at is considered sacred. Even the moon now.

    We just changed our values and ideals. Those old Greek things are too white and Eurocentric.

  3. "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
    Benjamin Franklin

  4. The 2nd greatest Nat Lamp cover (after the "We'll shoot this dog...") was Che being hit in the face with a pie, entitled "Is Nothing Sacred?"

  5. The author offers some Profound thoughts...
    Sad, but profound.

  6. Honestly, Ive never understood this belief at all even in the slightest, there are NO RULES in war, if i am trying to kill you and yours any means of accomplishing this are fair game. If i can throw you off your game by dragging your shit headed son around then its a win. To observe the customs and traditions of your enemy is pure cuckery, fuck that, chop their fucking heads off and use them as urinals.

  7. Excellent, thanks for sharing that.

  8. He ain't wrong.

    Read in conjunction with the zombie posting just above.

  9. Kenny, another banger, excellent!


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